Chapter 21

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Jay found out he had the ability to breathe underwater when a few hours passed and he hadn't died. His wounds regenerated, as well as his wings, although he didn't use them to fly out of the water just yet. He wanted to hide from the ninja for a while.

He was afraid of his friends. Afraid they would hurt him again.


He was afraid of his family.

Jay decided he had been residing long enough in the water and emerged from the sea floor. Thankfully, he found a small island where he could dry off his wings and fly to...

Where would he go? He was all alone! They would never take him back!

He sighed and flapped his wings, trying his best to dry them off.

What ever happened to Nya? And why was Cole so... Intimate with her? Perhaps he was simply comforting her, and nothing more. That bastard was probably going to end up dating her anyway, from the way he looked at her all the time.

Jay scoffed. Cole. It was just like him to date his ex. He always knew he was the least-trustworthy of the four. What a dick.

Jay couldn't accept the fact that Nya broke up with him either. Why would she in the first place? She never did give him a reaso-


Kai made her break up with him.

Kai was a coward. He was scared of Jay. He would probably be scared of Cole if he ever ended up dating Nya.

It didn't matter who it was. Kai was afraid regardless.

He was nothing but a cowardly fool.

Jay exhaled and took off, searching for a new place to reside. Fear was the only thing accompanying him.

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