Chapter 28

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Nya clamped  her hand over her mouth. She glanced at Jay, pure terror in her eyes.

"Jay! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that! Well, I mean, I was eventually gonna come around to it, I mean, that's kind of why I'm here..."

Jay couldn't believe he didn't notice the change in Nya's figure. The baby bump didn't appear very obvious at first, but it was because of his terrible vision. He squinted his eyes and saw how big she had gotten in the past few months. Squinting at her hurt his eyes, so he depended on his echolocation. 

There, he heard the most beautiful sounds. A baby, inside Nya, kicking gently, it's tiny heartbeat. He could make out a figure using sound, a tiny human, growing, living.

Jay took a deep breath and looked Nya in the eyes.

"Does Kai know? How did this happen? I mean, when did you find out? How many weeks pregnant are you? Months? Damn, I don't even know how long it's been!" Jay was giddy, asking all kinds of questions, not even letting Nya answer. He felt amazing; he was feeling happy again.

Nya gave a nervous laugh. "I- I thought you would be upset. Yeah, I told Kai as soon as I found out. I think I'm five months pregnant, but I'm not sure. You see, I found out a month or two ago, but I'm not sure why or when it happened... I mean, I don't even know who the father is."

Jay suddenly grew dark inside. A bad feeling rose up in his stomach.

"Is it Cole?"

Nya burst out in laughter. "What?! Cole?" She wiped the tears from her eyes. "Jay, you really think Cole and I would have ever worked out? He's just too serious. I mean, sure once or twice he was a little too touchy with me, but he'd never make a move on me. I bet he's terrified of me!"

Jay felt at ease, but was still on edge. "Well, who do you think the father is?"

Nya grew silent, turning away from him. "I don't know. I've never had sex-" She suddenly gasped. "Jay! Do you think someone could have..." Nya's eyes became red, tears falling.

"Nya! No, no one could have raped you. I'm certain." Jay remembered how Kai kept a watchful eye on her every night.

"How exactly can you be certain?" Nya sniffed.

Uh oh. He promised Kai not to tell. Oh well.

"Nya... Every night, Kai kind of..."

"Watches me sleep." Nya finished. "I knew it." She sighed and brushed it off. "But that still doesn't explain why this happened. I mean, he would have told me if he saw something, or like, tried to stop them, wouldn't he?"

Jay didn't respond. He suddenly remembered what had happened a few months back.

That morning when he woke up naked with Nya in her bed. Kai never knew about that.

Oh shit. This wasn't gonna be easy to explain.

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