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Shruti's POV

It was first September. My special day. But in my opinion it was not special to me. was my birthday but a birthday without Kl was like a normal day. Why was I even born? My life just felt meaningless after I left Kl.

He tried to call me  a million times but I did not reply. He did not deserve my reply neither did he deserve my tears. I sware I did not cry a single tear after our breakup.

Rajeshwari auntie and Lokesh uncle tried to call me. But I rejected all of their calls. I know it was rude of me but could  I not afford to lose my self control again. I am already consulting doctors and wasting money of them.

My parents know nothing about it. I guess Kl's parents did not inform them.
They wished me today morning and I turned my best fake smile to them.

Everyone wished me and maybe Kl would too. He would again call me and I would reject the call again. Thats my regular routine for the last three months.

As expected he called but this time it was a video call. I hanged the call nonetheless .

He was going on calling. The past thirty minutes he went in calling for fifty four times. He really wanted to wish me. I was battling with my self whether to pick it up or not.

At last I picked up the call. I looked at him. His eyes were full of regret and grief. Shruti! Don't look at him like that!

I gave a blank expression. "What do you need?" I  asked.

"Happy Birthday Love!" He greeted. I felt the breath hitch in my throat. I could not reply. If I did my voice would break and he would take advantage of that. He is very good at it.

"Thanks..bye" I hanged the call. He called again. I took it.

"Kl please! I am busy! I can't talk to you right now...I am very happy you called....thank you.."

"Shruti please once..." His voice caught my ears. Oh Kl...I really want to come and hug you like never to leave you again but I can't...not until you understand your priorities.

I hanged the call. I opened my drawer and took out the sleeping  pills . I closed my eyes. I want some peace.

Yami's POV

Today is Shruti's birthday. I am visiting her in Paris. She has really suffered a lot. I heard what Kl did. To be honest I did not expect that from Kl but later on when I heard the truth...I understood that we guys need to interfere. Because if we leave the situation to these mad people neither of them will get what they deserve.

I wanted to beat Shraddha into a pulp but I couldn't blame her also. She is immature and the pressure she gets from her parents maybe enough to rack her brains. Poor thing.

I saw Shruti's house. She is wealthy enough to own a house in Paris . I rang the doorbell. Two to three times till the door opened.

Shruti's POV

I opened the door and saw whom I really wanted to see at that time. Yami....

I hugged her tightly and after these three months I burst into a fit of tears. I was crying uncontrollably.

All the grief of these three months came out at once.

"'s okay....calm down...stop crying...." She stoked my back and I hugged her even more tightly and cried even more loudly.

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