Past Overtakes Present

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I had just come out of my room when I collided with our captain. "Sorry!" I muttered. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey buddy!" He greeted and then started looking to my sides as if finding someone. "Where is Shruti ?" He asked. I looked around thinking what to say. "I just wanted to take a walk she did not accompany" I answered . Ashwin laughed and patted my back. "May I join?" He asked. "Sure"

We smiled at each other and head out for a walk. I needed it to lift my mind off Shraddha. But why am I feeling that this new Shraddha chapter that had opened in my life is not going to close easily it's going to continue till the end.

"Didn't you have a date today?" He asked. Shit! Almost everyone knew about our date. Correction spoilt date. I sighed.

"Yeah.." the least I could reply. He nodded as if he was convinced. How could someone be convince with such a short answer?

"So...what about the IPL? How many runs are we getting from you Hitman?" He asked. I laughed. "IDK" I laughed and replied.

Shruti's POV

He just left like that ? What could I have done? I could not have rudely replied to Shraddha to go away. If he hated his ex then it did not mean that even I needed to hate her! He was the one to hug her and be all friendly with her in the beginning.

I looked at my phone. It was almost eleven thirty he was out I did not even know where he was and neither I nor he had eaten anything.

I wanted to call him but I was angry on him. I refused to call and sat in front of the TV switching channels like Kl did a few minutes ago. Sometimes I get really frustrated with his attitude. But what can I do?. He is so short tempered that he lashes out on anybody anywhere. I don't understand what does he want from me. What does he expect from me?

I threw the remote away and my anger too. I get consoled very quickly. My minus point. I called him. But his phone was busy.

Rahul's POV

I was having a nice chat with Ashwin when we decided to go back. It was pretty late at night. I was hungry and had to buy something from outside so we separated ways. Just then I received a call from someone. I took it.


"Didn't save my number yet?" And that voice almost knocked me off. "Shraddha?" I asked . " are you Rahul? Still using the same number?" She asked me . Why did this girl suddenly was so concerned about me?.

"Somethings do not change with time.." I answered. I heard her laugh . It had been years I did not hear that laugh. Wait...what am I thinking?

"So how are you managing your celebrity life ?" She asked. Yeah talking about that topic....there was many more I and Shraddha have to discuss.

"Very well...used to controversies...what about you? How are you managing your fame?" The last word was said with so much of disgust that even she understood it from the other line.

"That is what you need to manage being a celebrity" she replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah.."

"So tell me more about Shruti..." No..not that topic again. "Do you love her like you loved me?"

Now came the actual Yorker and Kl Rahul is clean bowled. That question really had no answer. "Do you both fight like we did? Do you both romance like we did?"

That line made me shiver. "Do you give her the same attention like you did to me? Does she quarrel with you and did you apologize?" She was going  on asking. This thing needed to stop. "Uh..those are too personal things to talk about..come to the point...why did you call?" I asked her.

"Kl...I know you and Shruti are thinking of your marriage...but I am getting married in less than a we need to solve all the problems which we had once left unsolved..." I understood what she was talking about. My heart was breaking little by little. "I...I will talk to you later..." We hanged the call.

Shruti's POV

I was scrolling through my Instagram having nothing to do when I saw a post by Kl . I smiled seeing it.

@rahulkl The world's best fiance ever

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@rahulkl The world's best fiance ever. Thank you for making my birthday awesome. I love you now and forever...♥♥♥♥

tagged @shru_jos

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He was so sweet sometimes. The little anger which was left also seemed to go away. My mood became light and cheerful. I called him again. This time he picked up.

"Hi" he said. His voice seemed so low? Was it for me? I am really Sorry Kl!

"I am so sorry...Please..yaar now don't be so angry...come back you haven't eaten anything" I said. "Fine" It was all he replied. He was not angry but his voice showed a lot of grief.

Meeting his ex was so painful for him? Strange!

Rahul's POV

I came back. I was not angry on Shruti anymore...but the feeling was replaced by sadness. The sadness Shraddha brought. Shruti came and hugged me. "Sorry sorry sorry a hundred times Sorry.." she apologized. "It's okay..." I replied not in a mood to talk.

"Thanks for the Instagram post" she said all bubbly. Now I understood what had made her anger go away. I smiled after a long time. I don't know from where it happened I hugged her back so tightly like I extremely needed her to support me...

"Is something wrong?" She asked again. I nodded . "Just wanted to do it.." I released her and sat on the bed.

She came with the menu card. "What will you have?" She asked. "Anything of your choice" I felt so vulnerable. I could not concentrate on any word she said. The whole dinner I was passive and pensive. Then we went to sleep but I did not have any sleep.

Panic and Grief were all in my mind. Actually no the thing which was running in my mind....

Losing Shraddha....

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