Chapter 39: Fight & Flight

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Nathan’s POV

I don’t think I took a shower and packed a bag so fast in my life. It was about 5 pm when Gabe came into Lea’s hospital room and offered to stay for a few hours. I made him promise to call me if anything new happened and hurried home.

I didn’t know how long I would need to stay at the hospital so I packed three days worth of clothes and my phone and laptop charger. I think Gabe was surprised when I came back to the room at 7 pm ready for however long I’d need to wait for Lea.

“Cole was here earlier. He had to leave at about noon,” I told Gabe once I settled down into the blue chair next to Lea’s bed.

Gabe looked at me from his seat by the window, “So that’s where he ran off to so early in the morning. I asked him where he was going but he just told me not to wait up.”

I nodded, “He came to see Lea. And he came ready with an apology.”

Gabe sighed and shrugged his shoulders, “That’s just how Cole is. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone so he tries to please everyone. It just happens that he still ended up hurting people.”

“Like Lea,” I muttered. I didn’t mean to say it so loud, but it just slipped. Gabe peered at me, “Did he tell you about Cassidy?”

I rolled my eyes thinking about that dumb bitch who laughed at Lea at the party, “Yup he told me all about her.”

“She doesn’t mean any harm really. Cass is a very sweet girl. I think that’s what Cole saw in her in the first place. Since her boyfriend was showing interest in another girl, I bet she got jealous and acted like that towards Lea. I’m not saying she was right, but I’m saying I know where she’s coming from,” Gabe defended, leaning back against the wall by the window.

I tried to see his side...and honestly I did. If Maggie showed her interest in Dalton more during our relationship, I probably would have acted the same way. I don’t think I would laugh at his medical problem or said some nasty things, but I think I’d get jealous of their connection. The one they have now.

Just then, the heart rate monitor on Lea’s machine began to beep faster and louder. I sat up in alarm and looked at Lea. I watched her start convulsing in her bed and shake. I quickly ran to the door and yelled out to the nurses, “Help! Something is wrong with my sister!”

Multiple nurses sprung up from their seats and ran around to our door. I followed closely behind and watched them all scurry around the room for supplies. The monitor sprang into the 200s zone and I felt my own heart drop to my feet.

I just stared at Lea struggling to breathe, to survive. I could barely register a lady nurse putting a hand on my arm and telling me I needed to step outside. I pleaded with her with my eyes hoping to tell her to do everything she can for my sister.

Gabe came by my side and pulled my arm back until I stumbled out of the room. The nurse closed the door and pulled the curtain so I couldn’t see Lea’s fate.

No, no! I refuse to accept that she’s going to die. My vision blurred as I felt the tears come to my eyes. I didn’t know what to do with my anger and frustration so I grabbed the chair and threw it down the hallway. I grabbed anything I could and threw it as hard and far as I could.

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