Chapter 16: Show a Little Skin and BAM! Meat to be Eaten

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Magnolia’s POV

“Um, that’s all for tonight,” I rushed after hanging up on the boys. That inconsiderate jerk. “Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you tomorrow at the sunset hour. This is Mellow Mags, signing off.” I ripped off my headphones and unplugged them roughly. I began packing everything up with a million thoughts running through my head. There is a time and place for everything and he decides to bring my very personal life into this? But my job? Hell to the naw.

“Your friends need to watch themselves.” Rob told me as he walked out of his sound booth. I gave him a bland look while I hitched my bag on my shoulder.

“He is not my friend.” I told him. Not after what he just did. Rob held the door open for me as we exited the booth. “I need to escape before Boss sees me. I’ll see you tomorrow, Rob.” I said goodbye before ditching the station. I am not going to be having a meeting with Boss today. That man scared the hell out of me!

I got to my car before making the decision to call Dalton back. I really don’t want to speak with that boy, but he probably won’t leave me alone until I call him. I waved to the security guard and pulled out of the parking structure. I dialed Dalton’s number and waited for him to answer. This little shit is going to get it.

“Maggie,” His cold voice greeted me. A shiver ran down my back.

“Who do you think you are? To call me at work in front of all my viewers, which is basically the whole southern part of California, was a pretty dick move.” I hissed at him through my bluetooth.

“I need to talk to you,” He said, basically ignoring what I just said.

“Well, no shit. I kind of got that!” I snorted. Hot shot thinks he’s all that. Maybe I should punch that beautiful face of his. “Meet me at Belle’s park in twenty minutes sharp.”

“Gabe has the car. I don’t even know where that is! How am I-”

“Find a way.” I interrupted him and clicked off.

He can walk for all I care. It was only a couple miles from the nearest hotel. If this emo shit thinks he can just waltz into my life and ruin everything I’ve worked for, he was wrong. I am not going down without a fight. Even if he was one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen.


He was late. Twenty-five  minutes and counting and he was still a no-show. Maybe I was too hard on him? I mean, he didn’t know his way around town nor did he even have a car. He probably didn’t even know about the personal life rule at the station. But it must be common sense! No, I will hate this guy forever. I leaned against my car hood and let out a loud sigh. If he isn’t here in 5 minutes...

Speaking of the devil, Dalton raced into the park. He was on foot and his face was red. Did he run all the way here? Well, he was dressed for a workout. He wore a loose white tank and a pair of red mesh shorts. His feet were clad in highlighter yellow shoes and I almost barfed at the site of them. That doesn’t even match! I felt a sick laugh rise in my throat. Don’t laugh at the poor boy, Maggie...

He stalked over to the nearest tree and leaned against it. Sweat glistened on his forehead and he gasped for air. Feeling slightly guilty that I made him run over here, I locked my car and made my way to him.

“Well, if it isn’t Mr. Job-Ruiner. How was your day? Mine was great. Thanks for asking,” I made up as I got closer. He straightened up at the sight of me. He gave me a once over before starring at my legs. Ugh boys, a girl shows a little skin and BAM! meat to be eaten. The shorts I wore weren’t short or anything, just touching finger-tip length.

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