Chapter 3: This Is The Plan

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Azalea’s POV

“Ha ha, good one, Maggie,” I laughed before finishing off my Pepsi. She wasn’t serious about a party, she couldn’t be.

“Ha ha, yeah, I’m not joking,” she said before grabbing my hand and pulling me from my stool. She pulled me along the hallway up the stairs to the huge second floor area.

“Hola, Senorita Montez!” I called to our maid that was busy mopping the guest room. I caught a fleeting gaze of her waving before Maggie continued pulling me to my room at the end of the hall.  

 Maggie stopped at my door to admire the big IM5 poster. “Why hello there, Dalton. Yes, I missed you too,” Maggie smiled at Dalton before pushing open my door.  She bustled around in my room for a bit, looking for my purple duffel bag in my closet and throwing clothes in it.

 I threw my school bag down and sat at my desk. I opened my laptop and smiled at the IM5 background. It’s not an obsession, but I do adore their angelic voices and beautiful faces.

 “How did Matthew even stand being in your room. If I was him, I would be jealous of all the more beautiful faces staring at me,” Maggie said, rummaging through my dresser.

 I rolled my eyes at Maggie. Sometimes, she didn’t know her boundaries. “Matthew has never been in my room. You of all people should know that I only let you in my room.” No one was allowed in except Maggie, Senorita Montez on weekends,  and maybe Nate. The only two people I trusted with anything and the maid.

 “Well, then where the hell were you and Matt supposed to do the nasty? You didn’t go to his shack of a house did you,” Maggie said looking up from picking out my makeup kit.

My eyes widened in horror, “Maggie! That is overstepping it! Besides, that isn’t any of your business.” I said the last part in a whisper. What I didn’t tell Maggie was that I didn’t sleep with Matt. Although he did try and put his hands up my shirt, I pushed him away.

She ignored me and rummaged through my closet again. I turned to my screen and checked my Facebook page. I scrolled through my notifications when one of them caught my attention. “That son-of-a-bitch,” I said, mostly to myself. Maggie must’ve heard because she came over to see what I was talking about.

 “Oh damn. I’m gonna kill that asshole,” she exclaimed staring at the screen. It said ‘Matthew Rivers is in a relationship with Sierra Brooks’. I just broke up with him like an hour ago!  I felt my heart jump to my throat as tears came to my eyes again. No, I will not give him the satisfaction of hurting me again. I took a deep breath before clicking on his profile.

 Already his profile picture was changed from the two of us at my 16th birthday party with sunglasses on our faces with big smiles to a picture him and that shallow bitch Sierra making out. He already had 100 likes on the pictures with comments like, “Good for you guys!”, “Such a cute couple!”, to more heartbreaking ones from his friends like, “Glad you got rid of the other girl you were dating lol”, and “Sierra > Azalea”.

 “Now I’m really gonna kill him,” Maggie said in silent anger behind me. I just sat there staring at the screen as comments came pouring in. I felt Maggie’s eyes on me before she sighed, “Okay, that’s enough of that.” She took the computer from me and went to my profile page.

 After a few clicks and thinking faces I asked Maggie, “What the hell are you doing?” A few more clicks and she turned it back to me. She changed my relationship status to single and put my mom’s professional photo of me “modeling” a few various party dresses as my profile picture. Okay, she didn’t do anything crazy. I spoke too soon. I got notifications of 10 likes on a status. Or should I say, Maggie’s status for me.

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