Chapter 22: Road Trip Pt. II

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Chapter 22:Road Trip...Pt. II

Magnolia’s POV

Dad didn’t answer my call at first. Nor did he answer the four after that one. He had probably been busy with work. He was always the workaholic type of father. After the fifth call I placed my phone down. Maybe I should have given him more time, I did call him five times in only an hour, but it didn’t matter because in the hours following, there were no call backs from my father. He didn’t text or call me. He hasn’t talked to Derek in months from what I’ve gathered. We always seem to just miss each other.

But this didn’t stop me from asking my mom about the college visit with Nate. She answered with a “Sure,” and the rolling up of her car window since it was four in the morning and she was going to be late for work. Nothing can stop me now!

I called Nate at that moment and informed him that I was able to go. We agreed to meet at his house at five and that he had a surprise for me. I repeated that I hated surprises but he laughed it off, saying it was worth it. I highly doubted that. I had less than an hour to get ready and drive over there. And when I glanced at my watch as I pulled into the Abels’ driveway I can say that I have never gotten ready faster.

Storming into the house, I walked straight for the kitchen. Hopefully they had some good morning food, the Pop-Tart I ate this morning was nothing. I shuffled through their fridge, trying to find something decent. A large arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me towards their body. I felt the familiar warmth of my boyfriend press against my back. A smile slid onto my face, but I continued to look for food, ignoring Nate’s existence. “Morning, babe.” He whispered in a husky voice.

“Mornin’!” I chirped. He tilted my head towards his and placed a sweet kiss to the corner of my mouth. I pushed him away with a small laugh. I finally decided to just stick to a glass of milk and pulled out the large jug. “Pass me a mug.” I commanded. He gave me a cute grin and grabbed a mug from a cabinet closer to him.

“How did you sleep last night?” He asked me as I poured the milk into the mug.

“Fine. I wish I could remember my dreams,” I pondered. I stuck my mug filled with milk in the microwave. “How about you?” I set the timer to half a minute and turned to Nate.

“Restless. I’m nervous about the trip today. I heard there are some new kids who are really good. I don’t want to lose my place.” He sighed. He raked his hand through his hair and bit his lip. My knees felt weak. I closed the short distance between us to rest my hand on his cheek. He looked genuinely concerned. His skin felt rough under hand as I slowly traced my fingers along his jaw.

“You shouldn’t doubt yourself like that. You are the best football player I know,” I told him confidently. The microwave beeped to signal my milk was heated. “Plus, I don’t date guys with low self-esteems.” I winked and walked back to collect my milk. He let out a laugh and propped his arm on the kitchen island.

“You always know what to say.” He said with admiration laced in his voice. I took a sip of my scalding hot milk and shrugged.

“It’s a gift,” I sat at the island while Nate moved throughout the kitchen. “Hey, you said that you had a surprise for me?” He broke into a wide grin. He held a finger up, saying I should give him a second, and walked over the opening of the kitchen.

“Hey, you ready yet?” He called out.

“Jeez, no need to yell.” A familiar voice grumbled as they pushed their way into the kitchen. I perked in my seat and launched myself into the unexpecting body of my best friend. “Woah!” She squealed and stumbled back. “It’s great to see you too!”

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