Chapter 7: Just Freaking Live A Little

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Azalea’s POV

 I swear I am going to kill Nate when I get home.

 “You know you’re not supposed to be out past 11 o’clock! What the hell are you thinking,” my just wonderful brother yelled from his side of the phone.

I paled and took a deep breath, “Geez Nate, calm down! It’s not like I have school tomorrow. Besides it’s summer, I’m living a little.”

I could almost feel his glare through the phone as he said, “I don’t know why you have to go against all the rules. What has gotten into you? It’s not like you to miss curfew and forget to call me! You know how I worry!”

“Well stop worrying then! Maggie and I are fine. We met IM5 tonight at the club. So we’re just hanging out with them. I’m not out doing drugs or screwing everything that walks,” I yelled back at him, feeling outraged at him.

Nate began bitterly and forcefully, “I don't care if you freaking met David Guetta!," he exclaimed, referring to his favorite music producer, "And you watch your tone! Don’t you ever speak like that to me again or I’ll...”

I cut him off, “Or you’ll what? Cut my curfew? Tell mom? Oh please, like she’d do anything. She barely remembers my curfew. It is summer and I’m going to do whatever I choose to do at night. I deserve a break. And stop talking to me like I’m six years old! You’re not dad!”

The words echoed between us. It felt like an eternity before he spoke again, “I’m the one who took care of you when our parents were on business trips. I’m the one that paid for your damn hospital bills and medical treatments.  I’m the one that was there for you through it all and you actually have the audacity to treat me like this after everything I’ve done for you? What stick has been shoved up your...”

His words were stinging my heart in more ways than one. How dare he bring up the ‘hospital’ incident. I cut him off for a second time and rubbed my face exasperatedly, “I dumped Matthew today! Because he was cheating on me with this slut Sierra. Okay? Are you happy now? Now you know what bullshit has been shoved up my ass. I’m sorry I’m not the happiest or most respectful person right now!”

Quietness seeped through again. I felt my blood run cold as I looked over at the boys and Maggie and saw they were all staring at me. Do not cry...not here. I took a deep breath as I heard Nate speak again, “Azzie, I...I’m sorry. I...I didn’t know. Really I just..” He trailed off his sentence.

“Forget it, just don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I’ll be at Maggie’s tonight. Don’t wait up,” I told him, not being able to take anymore of his shit on top of my own.

“Azalea, I...” before he could say anything else, I ended the call and shoved it in my purse. I ran my hands through my hair and stood there staring at the wall for a bit.

I didn’t even notice Maggie was beside me, rubbing my shoulder the only way a best friend could. I gave her a weak smile and spoke our secret telepathy thing at her. She gave me an encouraging smile and walked with me back to the boys.

I’m glad she knew me so well.

“I’m sorry boys, it looks like we have to leave your presence,” Maggie told them, trying to hide the disappointment from her voice. I didn’t want her night ruined because of me.

They boys gave knowing looks and stood up to watch us leave. Like perfect gentlemen. I couldn’t help but think it. I shook my head at Maggie, “No, you stay with the boys, alright? I don’t want your night ruined because of me.”

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