Chapter 21: Road Trip Pt. I

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Azalea’s POV

I don’t think STOKED would be a proper word for it. I was beyond excited for this. Last night, Nate asked me if I wanted to visit the UC Berkeley campus with him. Needless to say, I nearly killed him when I jumped on him. I seriously loved the Berkeley campus. It was a little colder than SoCal but I didn’t care. I just wanted to go to C.R.E.A.M. again.

C.R.E.A.M. is a to-die-for ice cream shop that has the best homemade ice cream and chocolate chip cookies. I nearly fainted when Nate bought me one last year when I visited.

I woke up this morning, super excited to get out of the house. I pulled on my shorts that came just at fingertip length and paired it with my snug ‘Cal Berkeley Bears’ shirt. I finished getting ready and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I bounded down the stairs and pulled on my black and white Converse at the bottom.

I  was nearing the kitchen when I heard Nate’s loud voice, “Hey, you ready yet?” I flinched and scowled back in the direction of the voice, “Geez no need to yell.” Right as I walked past the fridge, an unknown figure pulled me into their arms.

“Whoa!” I stumbled back. Their grip was tight and I instantly knew who it was. Maggie. My arms flew around her and I laughed in happiness with her.  “It’s great to see you too!”

“Ah, it feels like I haven’t seen you in forever!” She said in her traditional Magnolia voice. I patted her on the back.

“Yeah, I thought it was nice of Nate to invite you too. Sorry if he woke you up early this morning when he called,” I told her as I looked her in the face. She looked pretty in her jean shorts and black flats. A blue fitted blouse adorned her figure. Seriously why is she so beautiful though?

“He only told me last night after he got back from his date with his secret girlfriend,” I said turning my attention to Nate and smirked in a teasing fashion. He rolled his eyes at me and took another sip from his mug.

I walked over to the cabinet and got a blueberry Pop-Tart from the box. Maggie shrugged and leaned against the counter, “I didn’t mind getting up early today. I didn’t have plans anyways. Secret girlfriend?” she looked at Nate with a knowing smile. I chuckled and shook my head at her, taking a bite of my Pop-Tart.

I nodded and exclaimed, “Yeah! He’s been out every night this past week! I haven’t met her yet but I heard she has him strung like a pup-”

“Okay,” Nate clapped and interrupted me. I nearly laughed at his blush. Haha yeah big bro you get the blushing syndrome from me. “Let’s get going! You want to get there on time right?” I nodded, my mouth already watering at the thought of getting my hands on that delicious ice cream sandwich.

Maggie linked arms with me and skipped with me outside. It felt really good to be with my best friend again. It feels like it’s been forever. I pulled out my keys and opened the garage. I walked around toward the driver’s side but Nate stopped me.

Nate insisted, no more like demanded, that he drive my car. I narrowed my eyes at him, “I swear if you scratch my baby, I will cut your balls off. And then you’ll wake up with unknown items in your bed. You got me, Natey boy?” I knew how badly he hated it when people called him that. I only did it to prove my point. It worked because he scowled and held his hands up, “I get you, Azzie.”

Maggie snickered from the back seat and sat back in my comfy leather seats. We took the long 5 and a half hour drive up to Berkeley. We had to stop 4 times because Maggie had to pee and complained the whole time about her butt going numb. My brother and I shared those knowing glances and communicated with our minds. Maggie walked around the gas station and refilled my tank while Nate and I bought some snacks and drinks from the store.

We finally made it to the Berkeley campus around noon and began touring the campus. Every time I looked at the campus, there was always something new to see. Even though I’ve been there twice, I still found the buildings completely fascinating. I stood next to Maggie and stared in awe at the huge dorm room that construction workers were completing.

Nate came up next to me and grinned. He leaned in and said in my ear, “This could be your dorm one day.” I put my arm around him and smiled hopefully back at him. It was true. I could definitely be in this dorm. I recalled my early acceptance letter that came in the mail at the end of the school year.

I would love to go to Berkeley or any of the other ivy league colleges that wanted me. But my dream was to go to San Francisco Conservatory of Music. I just really wanted to make music and work with their top guitarist and pianists. But it takes a lot more than academics to get into that school. It takes the skill that I’m not sure that I have. And plus, what top music school was going to accept some wannabe singer who almost killed herself at the age of 13? That’s right none of them. You’re not good enough anyway.

I pushed the haunting thought to the back of my mind as Nate ushered us towards stadium locker rooms located a few blocks from there. We walked for ten minutes, rolling our eyes at the complaining Maggie. I stuck my tongue out at her and told her that she shouldn’t have worn those beautiful flats she was wearing.

As soon as we got into the locker room, we were hit with the aroma of soap and used towels. I scrunched my nose at the smell and walked directly behind my brother. He stopped at a door and pushed it open.

We were welcome by the feel of the air conditioner and Maggie visibly sighed from next to me. It was ten million degrees cooler in there than it was outside. Surprising for Northern Cal.

“Is there going to be more guys signing in or...” Maggie started but immediately stopped. I glanced around the room and immediately blinked at the sight of tall, lean, and muscular, men...all walking towards a table of men with blue and yellow caps on. Maggie said something about there being hot guys around and I just responded with a mumbled, “Yeah I guess so.”

My gaze travelled to a really hot blonde boy whose muscles rippled under his shirt as he lifted his duffel bag onto a bench. He looked at me and winked, sending butterflies into my stomach. I smiled shyly back at him, hoping I didn’t pass out from nerves.

I snapped out of my reverie when Maggie pulled my arm to move me forward. My eyes lingered on the hot blonde boy as he dropped a duffel bag to the ground. He’s almost hotter than Cole. The words shocked me and I blinked the weird thought from my head.

Maggie pulled me to a stop in front of two beautiful twins. “I want you to meet my best mates. This is Shayn and Shawn.” I was shocked when Shawn, the boy on the right who looked exactly like his brother, grabbed my hand at the same time Shayn kissed Maggie’s hand.

At the same time, the boys said in deep manly voices, “Hello there.” I felt my jaw drop at the same time as Maggie. They’re so perfect!

**Author's Note**

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short...after the next chapter, it should be picking up in length. We have so much in store for you guys. I hope you stick with the story because we're really excited to share it with you :) Thanks for your support guys! Please vote and comment what you thought! 

xoxo Ashley & Donavan

(misshawaii808 & xxfloatingxxdreamsxx)

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