Chapter 4: Quite the Daredevil

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Magnolia’s P.O.V.

I was tempted to invite Nate to the club. I really wanted him to come. To come with me. To be with me. It’s been hard these couple of years trying to get over Nathan. I don’t understand why he was always on my mind! I mean, he’s hot for sure, but I just can’t get why makes my heart skip a beat when he laughs or when he smiles into my hair while he hugs me . And I’m already unhealthy enough, I don’t need a heart attack.

What really gets me though is the nicknames. I call him Honey Bear because he adores honey. It’s cute when he smothers his food on honey. And boy, when he licks that honey off his spoon. Ooh-la-la!

Wags started out with us being teenagers, I was 12 and he was 14. He got into a fight at school and got three teeth punched out so he couldn’t speak properly. While Lea was helping him put ice over his jaw, he couldn’t say Mags correctly and instead it came out as Wags. I had thought it was the funniest thing back then. From that day on he called me Wags and he will be the only one ever to be able to call me that. I loved being Wags, his Wags.

But that was never going to happen. I knew that since Nate left for college. Just watching him drive to the airport made my heart crack and realize that I never stood a chance. There were so many other girls out there. Why would he want me?

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my ponytail. This is no time to think about Nate. I can find a guy tonight that will take my mind off of him. I can live. I pulled into the driveway of my house.

My house had nothing on Lea’s house. I lived in a small one story house with my parents and my brother, Derek, and my three year-old Lab, Sandy. My house was a bright peach color, not pink, it will never be pink, with white trimmings along the edges. The paint was slightly chipped, along with the bricks that made a wall separating the front yard from the road. The mailbox lived inside the cracked brick wall and sported a healthy mud color. Even though my house had it’s little problems, it would be home to me no matter what.

I drove into my garage after opening it with my key and quickly parked my car next to my brother’s 1967 Ford Mustang GT Fastback. Lucky that the bastard has a job so he could afford it. My job doesn’t pay as much as his does. Stupid private school privileges. I jumped out of my car and slammed the door. I winced before soothingly rubbing my baby’s door. “Sorry, girl.” I whispered before closing the garage door after me. I strode over to Lea’s car parked in my driveway and opened the back seat to grab her bag. “Don’t get out of the car. My brother is home.” Before she could answer I shut the door and made my way up the path to my front door. Please don’t be awake. Please don’t be awake. I chanted in my head as I opened the door.

My house was eerily quiet. I silently dropped Lea’s bag in my bedroom and hastily looked at my brother’s door across the hall. I grabbed my white, sleeveless jean jacket and shut the door behind me. I dashed to the front door and slipped on my white flats before ditching my house. I sighed in relief. I didn’t meet Derek, which lets me off the hook. If he knew we were going to the club he would tell on me. Even worse, want to go. I skipped back to Lea’s beautiful car and groaned.

The devil himself was leaning against the side of Lea’s car. It looked as if he had just went for a run. Derek’s head was sweaty and the back of his sleeveless shirt was drenched in a darker color. How attractive. He unhooked Sandy from the leash and she bounded over to me. I laughed and stroked her head as she tried to lick my hand. I gave her a final pat on the hind and she dashed for the garage, probably dying to thirst. I strutted up to my brother and tapped him on the shoulder. “Back off, Derek. She’s my date!” I tried to sound confident.

“I was just talking, Mags. You know, LeeLee, I was the state’s best point guard this past season.” Derek conspicuously flexed his muscles for Lea. She didn’t look amused. If only that bastard didn’t get out of school a day earlier...

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