Chapter 30: The "Small Get-Together"

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Magnolia's POV

Talk about snooze fest. I've been staring at my roof for what seemed like hours. Oh wait, it has been hours. Four to be exact. There was nothing to do. Derek was outside working on his car. Summer was so boring. There was no work today, sadly, and I was stuck entertaining myself. I wonder what Lea was doing? She's probably still asleep. That girl sleeps like a rock.

I pushed myself off of my bed with a groan. I quickly grabbed a Pop-Tart from the pantry before making my way towards the garage. As soon as I pulled open the door that led to the garage the smell of exhaust overwhelmed me. I coughed and frantically waved my hand in front of my face, hopefully clearing the air a little. "Derek," I called into the garage, "what the hell are you doing in here?"

"I honestly have no idea," His clueless chuckle sounded from somewhere in the smoke. I blindly made my way to him, bumping into his car.

"Jesus, open the door or something!" I wrenched open the metal doors, releasing the trapped fumes. "That's very dangerous, you know?"

"You sound like mom," Derek snorted. I gave him a blank look before biting into the delicious Pop-Tart.

Midday sun streamed into the garage. It was too bright for any time of the day. Ew, sun. The temperature raised quickly and the garage became smoldering hot. Derek continued his work nonetheless while I sat in the passenger seat, gnawing at my snack.

My phone began to buzz on the dashboard and I quickly grabbed it. I checked the caller I.D. with a surprised look. "Morales?" I questioned.

"Hey, Maggie," He greeted. "Wanted to invite you to a party tonight!"

"A party?" Since when did Gabe initiate party plans? Did he even have friends here? "What kind of party?" Derek glanced at me from the hood of his car.

"Just a small get together," He explained. There were loud noises coming from the background on his side. "We don't have much time left here. Summer is almost over for us. So what do you think?"

"When and where? And as long as I'll be well enough to go to practice tomorrow morning." I asked after a small pause.

"Practice? As in a type of physical activity kind of practice?" He sounded genuinely shocked.

"I'm a dancer, remember?" I said with a sour tone. "Why do you sound so surprised?"

"No reason," He said dismissively. "So, around eight at Lea's house?"

"Lea's house?" I echoed softly. "Why is it at Lea's house?"

"Reasons," The tone of his voice sounded distant. "I'll see you then. Oh, and you can invite someone. Just don't get crazy." Gabe hung up before I could reply. I pulled the phone away from my ear and blinked at it. Well, that was sudden.

"What was that about?" Derek asked from behind the hood.

I checked the time before answering, "There's a party at Lea's house."

"Oh! A part- Ow!" Derek jumped but knocked his head on the open hood. He groaned in pain as I laughed. "Don't laugh at me!" He whined. I only laughed harder. "There's a party?" Derek grumbled at me once I calmed from my giggles.

"It's more of a get together," I quoted Gabe. "It's a small thing so if you want to come I guess you can." I shrugged, stuffing my face with Pop-Tart.

"Anything for a party!" Derek clapped his hands together before slamming the car hood down.

"Do you ever work?" I questioned as I got out of his beautiful car to go back inside the house. I needed to get ready because this girl needed to look good. Nate is probably over there anyways.

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