Chapter 43

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"Come on, if we keep going then..." Bellamy trails off, "Maybe we can save her." He looks down at Clarke. 

"Bellamy the prisoners are weak." Jasper says. "They can't fight anymore." 

"We can't leave her." He says. 

"Bellamy, I love Clarke too." Miller says, "But if we don't get the prisoners out now, they'll be stuck here for even longer." 

"Bell, look at you. You're not even strong enough to hold her." Octavia says. 

"So we leave her here?" Bellamy asks. 

"She'll be safer than they will. She's the commander. If they get caught, they're dead." Jasper says, "We do this for our people." 

"Our people?" Bellamy asks. 

"Clarke's our people too." Miller says, "But we can come back for her. Roan won't let azgeda warriors kill her." Bellamy shakes his head. 

"Bell, they'll die. You'll die." Octavia says, "I'll stay with her, I'll protect her." 

"They won't kill you?" Jasper asks. 

"I'm her second." Octavia says, "They kill me, the coalition kills them." 

"You think they honor the coalition?" Miller asks. 

"Roan makes them." Octavia says, "Don't you?" 

"I will." Roan finally speaks up, "You guys saved me from my own people, anyone who tries to hurt Clarke will go through me." 

"And me." Octavia says, "Now go." They drag Bellamy off and the prisoners run down the tunnels.

"Just you and me, huh?" Roan asks looking down at Octavia. 

"Looks like it." Octavia whispers and looks down at a passed out Clarke. 

In Clarke's Mind

Clarke walks into a street unlike any she'd seen before. She marvels at the huge buildings surrounding her, but as she looked down the long streets and alleyways it appeared she was all alone. She runs down the street now, frantic. 

"Bellamy!" She yells, "Bellamy!" She runs up a flight of stairs, "Octavia!" Was this it? Was this where commanders went when they died? Was she dead? An infinity sign leads her to a different building. As she makes her way up the stairs she hears voices. She kicks down a door and pulls out her sword ready for anything that awaited her. 

"Clarke, you made it." Clarke looks around the room and sees it looks just like her throne room, but older. "I'm Becca." 

"Becca Pramheda?" Clarke asks and bows to her. 

"Rise, Clarke. We have work to do." Becca says. Clarke stands and slides her sword away from her. 

"Heda, am I dead?" Clarke asks, "Is this the afterlife for past commanders?" 

"Not yet, Clarke. You have to push." Becca says. 

"Then how can I see you?" 

"Many commanders have visions, usually in their sleep." 

"I've been commander for months now and I haven't had visions." 

"The time comes differently for all commanders. Your time is now." Becca says, "You must forgive Bellamy for what he has done." 

"Why heda?" 

"Without skaikru to help the coalition. I fear it will collapse." 

"How?" Clarke asks, "Heda Lexa built the coalition, made it what it was." 

"You made it stronger by showing them you don't abide by their rules, but now neglecting the sky people makes you look weak." Becca says, "Skaikru have technology that I have wanted past commanders to encourage, but they haven't. You can, and with what you're up against next you'll need the tech." 

"What's coming heda?" Clarke asks. 

"Remember Praimfaya?" 

"The fire wave that killed the Earth before, leaving only you and our ancestors." Clarke says. 

"Yes. It's coming, again." Becca says, "So you must join forces with skaikru even if the clans challenge you." 

"Then I will." Clarke says, "But what if I don't survive getting shot? There are no more nightbloods left." 

"Then you need to live." Becca stands. 

"I can't fight anymore." Clarke says. 

"Yes, you can." Becca says, "In these past three months that you have reigned, you established good relations with the mountain. You traded with them." 

"But their gone now." Clarke says, "Azgeda blew the mountain to bits once the skaikru doctors got their hands on it." 

"Yes, but you executed the traitors. All 300 azgeda warriors that worked together to blow up the mountain and fought against the other clans at the mountain, you did that." 

"I can't do it anymore heda." Clarke says. 

"You must." Becca picks up her sword and throws it to Clarke. Clarke catches it and stands taller. "Fight." She swings at Clarke. Clarke ducks the blow. "Fight." 

"Heda, I am not supposed to-" 

"You have become one of the best warriors of all the commanders." Becca says, "You must fight." Becca swings, but this time Clarke's sword slams against hers. She pushes down harder onto Clarke. "Live." Clarke drops down and rolls out, then hops back to her feet, "Suffer." Becca mutters and this angers Clarke. She advances toward Becca and uses the hilt to take out her knees. She holds her blade to Becca's throat. "Better skills than I had." 

"I still don't think I'm up for this, heda." Clarke whispers. Suddenly the doors open and Clarke turns to see Lexa entering the room. "Lexa." Clarke drops her sword and runs to her. "I thought I was never gonna see you again." She clutches her tightly. The lingering feelings Clarke had for Lexa were gone because of her love for Bellamy, but she still cared about Lexa.

"Well I'm here." Lexa smiles. 

"When Azgeda..." Clarke touches her head. 

"There's no pain in the city of light." Lexa smiles, "But your fight isn't over, Clarke." 

"Why not?" 

"You need to live for our people." Lexa says, "I didn't form a coalition for you to destroy." 

"I can't fight." 

"Do it for Bellamy." Lexa says, "Do it for Bellamy." Clarke sees Bellamy's face and and all the memories of them together flash in her mind. 

"Okay." Clarke nods, "Is he still alive?" Lexa nods slowly. 

"Don't betray him, like I betrayed Costia." Lexa says, "You'll regret it." Clarke nods and wipes away her tears. Clarke looks back to Becca. 

"Take your throne." Becca says. "Heda." Clarke wearily steps forward and sits down on the throne. Lexa and Becca kneel down to her.

Back in the present: 

Clarke opens her eyes and sees Octavia and Roan. "Octavia." Octavia falls down next to her. 

"Ai gonplei ste nou odon." 

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