Chapter 31

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9 years after the deal

Murphy and Raven open the doors and Bellamy and Clarke make their way through into the dining hall. Bellamy raises their hands and the crowd cheers. 

"To my wife." He says happily. Clarke blushes as the crowd cheers even louder. They walk into the party and through the people dancing, straight into the center. Clarke and Bellamy dance slowly as everyone watches. Clarke drops her head down. "Please don't be embarrassed Clarke. You look stunning as always. You deserve to be confident hell cocky for one day." 

"I think being cocky is a job reserved for you." Clarke smirks, "You know I can't help but feel as though this isn't right. I'm in love with you, but all the past commanders were taught that love is weakness."

"Lexa didn't. She thought that life was about more than just surviving." 

"Yeah she did." Clarke says, "But being with you, although I love it, puts you in danger. Like it put Costia in danger." 

"I don't care as long as I'm with you Griffin." Bellamy says, "I mean Blake." Clarke smiles and curtsies to him as the vocalist finishes her song. "God, You're amazing." Bellamy says. Clarke smiles and they let others engulf into the center of the floor. They make their way to a table and sit down. 

"Ahem."Octavia clears her throat. 

"Octavia thank you again for being my bridesmaid." Clarke says. 

"Of course but um someone wants to see Bellamy." Octavia says. Bellamy furrows his eyebrows. 

"Go on. I'll still be here when you get back." Clarke says. Bellamy nods and walks with Octavia. 

"Who wants to see me?" Bellamy asks as they exit the tower. 

"Me." Echo appears from out of nowhere. 

"Octavia get out of here." Bellamy says, "Now." Octavia scurries into the dining hall. "What are you doing here? On this day." 

"I'm here for you." Echo says. 

"Well then you've only come to upset my wife because I am no longer speaking to you." 

"Bellamy please." 

"You are so selfish that you can't let Clarke enjoy this one day. One day where we can be together without drama and she can forget about her lifelong duty of being the commander." 

"Bellamy I care about you." 

"Get over that." Bellamy says, "You're a spy. You think you mean more to me than you do. I used to think of you as a friend, now you're just my enemy." 

"Please just let me speak with Clarke." 

"The moment Clarke knows you're here, you're dead." Bellamy says, "You took away her lifelong friends, you knew how she felt for Lexa and you killed her."

"I knew she felt stronger for you and I left you unharmed." 

"Face it Echo, your only loyalty is to yourself now that Nia is gone, maybe Roan." Bellamy says, "If I see you again, I'll tell Clarke. "Bellamy reenters the hall and puts on a smile.He sees Clarke dancing with Jasper, Monty, Harper, Octavia, Raven, and Murphy. He smiles. 

"Bellamy." Lincoln says, "Are you having a nice time?" 

"This has to be one of the best days of my life." Bellamy says, "Now I get to see Clarke everyday for the rest of my life." 

"Then you'll protect her?" Lincoln asks, "I couldn't when we were younger, the flamekeepers took her too soon. Please promise to protect her." 

"I'd do anything for her, to protect her." Bellamy says. Lincoln shakes his hand. 

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