Chapter 26

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9 years after the deal

"Did she help him? Did she save him? Is he gonna be okay?" Clarke asks.

"They don't know yet." Lincoln responds. Raven rubs her shoulder. 

"It's gonna be okay." Raven says. Clarke hugs them. In the back of her mind, she knows they shouldn't see her cry, but she couldn't hold it back. It was strange to her that she couldn't be this open with her 'own' people but she could with skaikru. 

"How's the leg?" 

"Sucks but I'm dealing with it." Raven says. Clarke looks at Octavia's arm. 

"You okay?" 

"Just a scratch. "Octavia responds and Lincoln groans. 

"Do you want us to stay?"Murphy asks. 

"No, I'll be alright." Clarke says, "Yeah I'm good, I'll ask Jackson if he needs help." 

"Alright, night Clarke." 

"Night." She says and they turn the corner. She slides down the wall and presses her head against the door. "Commanders give me strength." She says. 

About two hours into waiting for her mom to finish Clarke notices a figure walking towards her. She slaps herself up and squints at him. 

"Wells?" She asks. 

"Reporting for duty." He says, "How's Bellamy?"

"Who knows?" She says and he sits down next to her. "They won't let me in yet." 

"Wow they won't even let heda in." Wells says, "Don't they see that symbol on your forehead, that armor." 

"I guess not." Clarke says and stares up. 

"I hate this metal can." Wells says, "Sometimes I wish I was back in Polis." 

"You miss Titus's harsh judgements." 

"I miss the good times we had together." Wells says, "Before all this." 

"Wells, I'm sorry about your father, but he must pay for his crimes." 

"The way you did for yours?" Wells asks the mention of his dad igniting something in him. 


"You killed all of your friends in Polis, I watched."

"It isn't the same." Clarke says, "Your father tried to kill Bellamy so I would marry you." 

"I was going to stop the wedding, if he had just waited..." 

"What were you gonna do?" Clarke asks. "What?" 

"I took pills before the wedding that I puked up after the accident." Wells says. 

"You were gonna kill yourself?" Clarke asks, "Wells what were you thinking?" 

"I don't know wanheda, what were you thinking?" Wells asks, "That day on the cliff when we were fourteen." Clarke looks away from him. "Yeah Bellamy told me. Spare me your hypocrisy." 

"Leave me." Clarke says. 

"Fine." Wells says and struts away. The door opens behind her. 

"What's going on? Is he alright?" Clarke asks. 

"He's fine." Abby says, "He's stable and recovering. He's awake." 

"Good." Clarke says moving past her. 

"Wait Clarke I just got you back." Abby says. 

"You'll have me back when you can bring dad back." Clarke says angrily, pushing past her. Bellamy is sitting up. 

"Clarke." Bellamy says. Clarke lets the tears fall from her eyes. She runs over to him and hugs him tightly. He groans in pain lightly. She pulls away and kneels next to him. 

"Hey." She says. 

"Hey." He responds and they stare at each other, and drift away. He takes her hand. "Where's Wells?" 

"Bellamy." Clarke says with a smile.  

"Did you marry him?" Bellamy asks. Clarke just smiles. "Clarke I need to know if you're married before I do something." 

"No, no I'm not." Clarke shakes her head happily. 

"Good." Bellamy says and grabs the back of her neck softly. He leans his forehead against hers and presses his lips against hers. She kisses him back. She pulls away as she realizes her mother is in the room or she could've done that forever. She nods over to her mom and he smiles.  

"Thank you for helping me." Bellamy says. 

"Anything for my daughter's boyfriend." Abby says mistakenly, because they're not technically dating.

"But not anything for your daughter." Clarke says, "Leave us." Abby leaves the room sadly. 

"So that's her, that's your mom?" Bellamy asks. 

"Yeah, I don't wanna talk about her." 

"Clarke she just saved my life, can't you forgive her for whatever it is that she did?" 

"I can't." 

"What did she do Clarke?" Bellamy asks, "I know she got your father killed, but-" 

"When I was little my mom told my dad that she wouldn't turn me into the flamekeepers until the morning. My dad didn't want to just give me away so he ran with me. She found out where we were hiding and turned us in. So they didn't just kill my father they executed him." Clarke says, "She turned me in when I was 6. I didn't want any of this. I could've lived with my father and had a normal, happy life." 

"Clarke." Bellamy says and hugs her. 

"It's fine." She says, "We have to go deal with Jaha." 


"He poisoned you, Bell. He put it in your water while you were on work detail." 

"Son of a bitch." Bellamy says and rises from the bed. He is in only a gown. He turns around exposing himself and Clarke watches as he gets dressed. "I see being the commander doesn't come with maturity, heda. You've always liked my ass." 

"Come on, Bell." Clarke says as he slides on his shirt. He takes her hand as they leave med bay. "But for the record, you've liked mine too." She whispers and runs forward. He smiles and chases after her. 

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