Chapter 28

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9 years after the deal

Clarke rises from the ground as Wells weeps into his father's body. "What azgeda has done is an act of war!" She sees the azgeda warrior's body being carried away, "But blood has received blood!" Clarke says, "Now we move forward and initiate skaikru into our coalition." 

"When heda?" A woman in the crowd asks. 

"We leave tonight after the members of skaikru choose their new chancellor." Clarke says, "So prepare your things. We're going home." The crowd cheers as Clarke makes her way inside the ark. She walks straight down to the cells. She finds Murphy comforting Raven as she's crying on the ground. 

"Is it done?" Murphy asks. Clarke takes the key off the wall and unchains them. "Clarke did you kill him?" Clarke is silent as she leaves the room, not even meeting their eyes.She leaves the room hastily and walks to the small quarters she's been staying in. She slides the door open and closes it loudly. She bends down and tries to catch her breath, get she can't. She begins to panic and lays down on her bed. She groans as the air in the room gets thicker. There's a knock on the door, but she can't open it. Her eyes shut and everything drifts away. 

"I'm worried about her." Lincoln says. 

"She's the commander she'll be fine." Octavia says, seeing that Clarke has fulfilled every hope she had for the commander. 

"My people will not like her decision to be lenient. It makes her weak." 

"In the eyes of my people, she's stronger than ever. Not taking the life of the chancellor and his kid son, and still initiating us in the coalition after she got punched." 

"All the reasons my people will soon grow tired of her benevolent ways, as a friend I cherish them, as a warrior I fear for her." Lincoln says, "And having a skaikru second." He kisses her gently, "Is a death warrant." 

"Lincoln I'm a warrior." Octavia says. 

"I know." Lincoln says, "I just think that having skaikru guards, a skaikru second, not killing a man who deserved to be killed, and marrying a skaikru man is not a good idea for her now." Octavia nods silently. 

Clarke wakes up on her bed in panic, she looks around the room and Bellamy runs to her side. "Clarke." She settles down and sits up. 

"Bell, what's going on?" Clarke asks. 

"You had an anxiety attack before I came in here. I got Abby but she said you'll wake up eventually." 

"Oh." Clarke says, "I'm sorry." 

"It's not your fault." Bellamy says, "But you shouldn't have to bear doing everything all alone." 

"I'm not alone, I have you." 

"Yeah, yeah you do." He reaches behind him, "You'll always have me." He takes out a small box. Clarke is confused by this. "Clarke ever since the day we met I've been drawn to you. You'd be creeped out with how long I've had a crush on you. You were the only person who accepted us in Polis for a long time. You help everyone with everything and never think about yourself. You're my rock, my leader, my best friend. And I love you so much." He kisses her hand. 

"Me too." Clarke says. 

"I need to hear you say it." Bellamy says with a smile. 

"I love you Bellamy. I'm in love with you." Clarke smiles back. 

"Good." Bellamy says, "Then I guess all that's left is the question." He pulls one knee up so he's on one knee. "Commander Clarke Griffin kom Trikru. Will you make me the luckiest man on Earth and marry me?" 

"Yes." Clarke says happily, knowing she was going to have to soon and cherishing the fact that he wanted to make her comfortable and ask her. He opens the box and pulls out her mother's ring. He slides it on her finger. "Yes,yes, yes." She kisses him in between yeses. He's never smiled this much in his life.


Bellamy opens the door to Clarke's room. He sees she is passed out. "Abby, abby!" He calls. Abby runs in and feels her face. 

"Most likely an anxiety or panic attack." Abby says, "She used to have them when she was very young, she'll be fine." Bellamy nods but as Abby starts out the door he finally grows courage. 

"Ms. Griffin." 


"I'd like to take Clarke's hand, and I'd like your blessing before I ask for it." 

"Oh, how sweet." Abby says, "You absolutely may have my blessing." 

"Thank you." 

"You've become a fine man with the circumstances you grew up in." 

"That is for the most part because of her." Bellamy says. Abby nods tearfully. 

"Here, this is the family ring." Abby places it in his hand. 

"Thank you ma'am." 

"Thank you for keeping her safe." 

"You got it backwards." Bellamy says, "She's always protected me. And I've never had a chance to thank you for saving me after the accident-" 

"No problem, Clarke's knowledge helped us a lot too." Abby says, "Anyways she won't want to see me when she wakes." 

"Ms. Griffin I will talk to her-" 

"Don't, no use in her getting mad before the wedding." Abby says, "Goodbye Bellamy." 

"Goodbye Ms. Griffin." 

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