Chapter 20

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8 years after the deal

"In the first round, Aden will face Jack." Titus says. The other nightbloods watch from the balcony. Jack falls fairly quickly and faint tears fall from Juli's eyes. Clarke shows no remorse, she was happy Aden was alive. "Jack kom Trishanakru has fallen." Titus blows out a candle. "Next Nic will face Vicky." Clarke leaves the balcony and enters the throne room. "Psst." A voice says. She is pulled into a corner.

"Wells?" Clarke asks, "Wells why the hell are you here?"

"I stayed for you." Wells says.

"Wells unless Aden, Juli, or I win there's a kill order on skaikru." Clarke says. "You need to go home."

"I need to be here for you."

"Wells no." Clarke says, "Go home."

"Clarke if you die, and I'm not here, I'll never forgive myself."

"If you die because you stayed here I'll never forgive you." Clarke says and storms away.

"Mitch kom Ouskejon Kru has fallen. Clarke will face Brent." Clarke walks down to the square. She kills him quickly and as she does he whispers, "Wanheda."

"Wanheda." The crowd whispers. Clarke wipes her blade and smears it on her face.

"Ai laik Wanheda." She shouts. Titus shivers, he hadn't seen her like this in a while.

"Next Nic will face Guara." Titus says. Moments later Guara has fallen. "Aden and Nic." Nic is soon dead. Clarke watches angrily. Almost all the people she grew up with were now dead.

"Aden, Clarke, Maia please go." Titus says. Maia charges toward Clarke, but Clarke slides under her. Aden pushes Maia to the ground. She jumps to her feet and throws a knife at Clarke. Clarke bends down and dodges it. Clarke stands up in between Maia and Aden. She takes her swords and points them towards Maia and Aden. Maia throws her spear and as Clarke once again bends down to dodge it and it lands in Aden's chest. Clarke gasps as Aden falls and she is soon knocked down by Maia. Maia holds her down.

"The mighty wanheda can fall." Maia says, "It's a shame that your little friends and Bellamy will all die when I am commander." Maia spits. Clarke groans at this. "Gon ai heihefa!" Clarke rolls out of her hold and slashes her throat. Maia stares into Clarke's eyes as she falls, "Heda." Maia whispers. Clarke looks up at Titus and raises her hand in victory. Rain washing away the blood on her face. The new commander.

A few days after her ascension ceremony Clarke walks down the the marketplace to meet with the ambassadors. She sits on her throne. Wells watches from the crowd surrounded by guards. Queen Nia steps forward.

"Azgeda will never accept a trikru commander who cares more about skaikru..." She points at Wells, "Than her own people." Clarke stands and walks down to the Queen's level.

"Azgeda cut off the head of my commander and delivered it to my bed." Clarke says with Lexa now in her head, "Your people will be allowed in my alliance, but you will never have a place here." Clarke quickly stabs Nia and pulls out the blade. "No Heihefa nomou!" The queen falls to the ground.

"Heda! Heda! Heda!" The crowd shouts and Echo rushes to the queen's side. Clarke moves next to Titus.

"I'm going to accompany Wells to Arkadia. I need to meet the ambassador that is going to bear our mark." Clarke says.

"Heda there's more to it than that-" Titus begins.

"I'm going." Clarke says thinking he is going to lecture her again. She gets onto a horse, and so does Wells. Titus follows as they leave the city.

On the way Titus rides next to Clarke. He glances over to her occasionally.

"If you have something to say, get it over with." Clarke says.

"Heda we are almost to Arkadia." Titus says, "You are doing exactly as Lexa would have wanted." Clarke looks down sadly. He knew that Clarke had developed a crush on her commander and used it to his advantage. "However I know the real reason you wanted to come to Arkadia is because of Bellamy." He also knew how she felt for Bellamy and he knew that Bellamy at times he saw that Bellamy returned those feelings. "Your feelings for him will put you both in danger."

"I'm going to Arkadia because it is my duty as commander." Clarke says.

"Well here we are." Titus says. Clarke stares in awe. "Heda you need to recognize the difference between us and them. They don't understand us because they are different."

"All the people like us are We, and every one else is They." Clarke says quoting one of her favorite poems, "Our ancestors had this mindset. We must move past this." Titus nods and follows Clarke as she rides towards the gate. She raises her sword.

"Don't shoot." She yells, "I'm the commander from Polis and I seek safe passage."

"The commander!" The guards yell, "Open the gates."

"Wait movement in the treeline." A guard yells. Clarke sees a man and a young woman drop down and run back into the forest.

"Okay open her up." The gates open and Clarke looks to Wells.

"Go on. Lead us." Clarke says.

"Thanks Heda." Wells says. Clarke shudders and follows behind him. A crowd gathers behind them as they stroll into Arkadia. A man stands in front of them.

"Commander, welcome." He says to one of Clarke's guards. Clarke jumps down from her horse.

"Thank you for having us in your home." Clarke says. The man blushes.

"You're the commander? I was expecting someone meaner. Less pretty."

"Yes I am the commander." Clarke says with a laugh "It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"Oh um...hang on I've practiced this. Ai laik Jasper kom skaikru." Jasper says warmly and with great effort. Clarke smiles at his broken trig.

"Well ai Laik Clarke kom Trikru." She says and Titus clears his throat and she corrects herself, "Ai laik Heda kom Polis."

"Wait you're Clarke?" Jasper asks, "You look so different."

"What?" Clarke asks.

"I mean the pictures were from a while back but I mean-"

"I don't understand." Clarke says. Behind Jasper Jaha emerges from the crowd. He almost runs over to them. He gets to Wells and stares deeply into his eyes.

"My son." Jaha and Wells hug. Smiles all around, except for Titus.

"Commander." Jaha says as he pulls away from Wells. "Welcome to Arkadia. We have arranged rooms for you."

"We will be staying outside camp." Titus says.

"Well that's fine too." Jaha says, "Come
You must meet our fine craftsmen and councilmen."

"Excuse me, but would it be too much trouble for me to see my friends first?" Clarke asks, "Raven and Murphy? Miller? Bellamy?"

"I'm afraid Miller is the only one available at the moment." Jaha says.

"Where's Bellamy?" Clarke asks softly, politely.

"He's requested as many work shifts as possible upon your arrival. He's basically on duty until your departure in three days." Jaha says timidly.

"What? But why?" Clarke asks and Titus clears his throat. "I'm sorry, please begin with the tour." Clarke plasters on a smile.

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