chapter 19

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8 years after the deal

Clarke and Bellamy barge into the throne room and see the ice queen sitting in the commanders chair.

"Nia, What is the meaning of this?" Bellamy asks, not using her title as a sign of disrespect. Nia laughs at Clarke's tear stained face.

"I take it she didn't like our surprise your highness." Echo says standing behind her.

"Echo what the hell is going on?" Bellamy asks angrily.

"The commander is dead." Queen Nia responds. "And until a new commander can ascend Polis is under Azgeda rule."

"Like hell it is." Clarke steps in front of Bellamy, "The fleimkeepas are in charge until the next commander can ascend."

"Fine, since Maia will be our new commander." Queen Nia says. Titus comes off of the balcony and looks Clarke in the eye.

"The conclave will begin tonight." Titus says sadly and goes to find the other flame keepers.

"I'd use this time to prepare." Echo says.

"If I ascend..." Clarke starts, "Azgeda will never have a place in this coalition." She walks out of the room confidence radiating off of her, but on the inside she's a nervous wreck. Bellamy looks up at Echo. He shakes his head and follows after Clarke. He gets within speaking distance and whispers, "I don't know what's gotten into Echo, she's my friend, but she's not like this, maybe the old Echo wasn't like this. This is a new Echo."

"Bellamy I don't have time to discuss the inter workings of your thoughts on the spy." Clarke says, "I have to train." Bellamy grabs her shoulders.

"You're gonna win." He says. "You're going to be the next commander." Clarke pulls away and lets a tear slip from her face.

"Have you ever considered the fact that maybe I don't want to kill the people I've grown up with? Maybe I don't want to lead warring clans into a coalition." Clarke says and storms away. She joins the crowd in the marketplace as Titus stands on the stage.

"All those who are members of Skaikru must leave the capital immediately." Titus says. "Go before the conclave begins at dusk."

"Bellamy." Miller says, "We get to go home."

"Let's get out of here before they change their minds." Fox says and they head to the gates.

"I'm staying here." Bellamy says. Clarke looks up at him in shock and angry. She pulls him away from the crowd.

"Are you crazy? If the spirit of the commanders doesn't choose me the next commander will most likely place a kill order on the members of Skaikru." Clarke says, "Go home. Go to Octavia."

"I won't leave you here. I wanna be here when you win." Bellamy says.

"Bellamy go!" Clarke shouts. Bellamy shakes his head. Clarke storms away in a fit of rage and he awkwardly moves out of the crowd.

Bellamy finally finds Clarke in the bunks alone. "Bellamy." She rushes to him and hugs him, "Bellamy I'm scared."

"I know." He says into her neck. "You're gonna be fine. I'm here."

"Bell I'm scared for you. What if they kill you here?" Clarke asks. "Miller and the others are waiting and it's almost time."

"I won't leave you here to do this on your own."

"I have to do it on my own either way. You dying here if I die won't help anyone." Clarke says.

"Forget it okay." Bellamy says, "I'm with you." She steps closer to him and puts her hand on his neck. She kisses him gently. They pull away in unison.

"Bellamy, If i don't see you again I just want you to know-"

"Nothing is happening to you." Bellamy says and hugs her again. She takes the reaper stick out of her pocket and plunges it into his neck. She lays him on the ground as he dozes off.

"What did you do?" He asks.

"It's okay it's okay." Clarke says, "When you wake up you'll be in Arcadia with your mom and Octavia."

"Clarke-" He starts. His eyes roll back and Miller and Myles enter. Clarke wipes back her tears. Miller holds her stare.

"Bye Clarke." Myles says.

"You got this huh?" Miller says. Clarke giggles. "You're doing the right thing." Clarke nods to him.
"I'm gonna miss you." Clarke says. Miller hugs her and she kisses his cheek. "Now go before the blockade is lifted." Clarke says as
the horn blows. She is left alone in her room, ready for battle.

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