Chapter 16

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6 years after the deal

Bellamy sits next to Wells and they both stare at Clarke. "I don't know." Bellamy says, "This isn't good Wells."

"I know she's going through the wanheda thing but-"

"No Wells I'm serious." Bellamy says, "Just a minute ago we were standing on the edge of a cliff, awaiting her jump." Wells looks to Bellamy, "She's only a kid. She shouldn't be doing things like this."

"I agree, but you know the rules we can't leave Polis until the next commander ascends." Wells looks back to her, distressed. "And she's forbidden to leave unless she becomes the commander."

"I don't know if she'll survive that long here." Bellamy says looking over to the grounders sharpening their knives.

Clarke sits in a circle with Miller, Fox, Roma, Myles, Mbege, and Peter. "You guys I'm truly sorry for my actions." She says, "I mean I should never have-"

"Stop." Miller says.

"Yeah you went down the wrong path. We aren't punishing you for it." Peter says.

"You can forgive me?" Clarke asks with tears in her eyes but not letting them fall.

"Of course." They say and a group hug emerges.

"Just in time for not only unity day tomorrow but also Clarke's birthday." Fox says.

"Oh no." Clarke says, "I forgot that." They laugh and Wells pulls Clarke aside.

"Yeah?" She asks. He smiles at her.

"Are you okay?" He asks her.

"I'll be fine." Clarke says and stares down at his bandages. She covers her mouth with her hand. "Was that me? Did I do this to you?"

"Clarke you didn't mean to hurt me." Wells says.

"What am I doing? All I do is hurt people." Clarke says sobbing now. Wells pulls her into a hug.

"Clarke it's okay."

"Why are you forgiving me after what I did?" Clarke says holding onto him tightly. "You can forgive me?"

"It's already done." Wells says inhaling in her scent.

"Thank you." She says. Wells nods and they walk back over to the circle. Bellamy was annoyed with them but he couldn't be mad. He was clearly consoling her.

The next day Clarke wakes up to 15 people in her face. "Happy Birthday!!!" She screams in fear and everyone laughs. Clarke smiles and tries to quickly fix her hair.

"Aye we saw you with that grounder crap on your face for like a year." Miller says. She laughs.

"Thank you guys for this lovely surprise." She says and stands up. "Happy Unity Day!"

"Wow." Maia says from her bunk just two away from Clarke. "You talk to the sky boy for one day and you're already back to being Skaikru. There goes our respect for you." Maia leaves the room.

"Don't listen to her." Fox says.

"Uh yeah." Clarke says, "Why don't you guys go on and I'll meet you for training." They nod and leave the room. Clarke stares as Bellamy stands at the door. "I have to change pervert." He laughs.

"I don't want to leave you alone."

"I don't need a babysitter." She says. "I'll be down in a few." He nods and shuts the doors. She changes into new clothes while thinking about how right Maia was. Bellamy convinced her in seconds. It was weak. She left the room and saw Bellamy waiting for her.

"You really think that I was gonna leave you alone on your birthday?"

"As long as you weren't peeping." Clarke says.

"Wait." Bellamy says and they stop in the hall. He pulls out a small box.

"Bell, if this is a gift then-"

"Open it." Bellamy says. She carefully opens the box. She sees a small delicate necklace.

"Bell, I can't."

"You can." Bellamy says and puts it on her.

"Bell what if it breaks at training." Clarke says.

"My mom wore it everyday until my father died." Bellamy says.

"Bellamy, if this was your mothers then Octavia should have it."

"I want you to have it." Bellamy says. Clarke smiles as they walk down to train.

Later that night Bellamy sneaks into the woods and drags a keg all the way up the tower without being seen. "Guys Jasper did us well!" Bellamy chants as both the grounders and Skaikru begin drinking. Maia even has some. Clarke chugs two cups.

"Woah. A shot of this will get her plastered the first time and she just drank two cups." Myles says. "Fun party."

"Woohoo." Clarke says and starts talking to the grounders, who were no longer scared of her. After about an hour they were all dancing and Bellamy "no fun" Blake was standing with Peter, Myles, and Miller.

"Damn some of these girls are getting hot." Peter says.

"Eh." Miller says.

"You play for the wrong team my friend." Myles says, "I mean come on look at Bree, Guara, Vicky, Roma."

"Monroe." Peter adds.

"Forget it. Every time we go back home she confirms she's dating sterling." Bellamy says. They smile. "What?" He asks.

"Well you can't even join in on or talks cause you got Clarke." Peter says. Bellamy shakes his head.

"Damn do I want a piece of that." Myles says. Peter smiles. Bellamy rolls his eyes.

"Dude she's a 10. The only one with fully developed tits." Peter says, "Its simple." Bellamy looks down. "Go hook up with her."

"She's 14." Bellamy says.

"And you're 17." Miller says.

"Dude my dads 55 and my moms 45." Peter says.

"She's literally just a kid." Bellamy says. "I'm not gonna hook up with her."

"Well you're too late anyways." Miller says as Mbege begins sucking on her neck. She smiles as he continues.

"If that's what she wants that's what she wants." Bellamy says, "I'm not her babysitter." He walks away and thinks about why he wanted that to be him, but she was a kid and he was almost an adult. He was disgusting for thinking like this."

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