Chapter 9

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"Bellamy, fisa na ai op yu nau." Lexa says, the healer will see you now, and Bellamy springs up. He runs down the hall and kicks the doors open. He sees a different person, a woman. 

"Chon yu bilaik?" The woman asks, who are you?

"Bellamy kom skaikru." Bellamy says. The woman smiles. 

"Ai laik Abby kom trikru." Abby says. Bellamy nods. "Ai laik em nomon." I am her mom.

"Is she okay?" Bellamy asks, inching closer. 

"She'll be fine, she's resting for now." Abby says. "You saved her." 


"You're the reason she's alive. If she was out there ten minutes longer, she wouldn't be with us." Abby says, "You did good." 

"Is it okay if I wait?" Bellamy asks, "I'll be quiet." 

"Yes." Abby says extremely happily. She leaves the room and Bellamy sits with Clarke. 

"Beja." He whispers. "Kom op backon gon ai." Please come back to me. Clarke is motionless. He sits beside her, holding her hand. After about an hour her breathing gets heavier. He jumps to his feet as she stirs. 

"Bellamy?" She whispers as her vision becomes clear. 

"Clarke." He smiles, "I knew you'd live." She smiles and moves closer to him. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her into a tight hug. She doesn't hug back, not used to this form of affection. He backs away. "Sorry, I-" She stands up, holding her side, and hugs him back. He hugs her more loosely this time, not wanting to hurt her. 

"Lay down." He says and she does so as her stomach begins aching. 

"Thank you." She says.

"For what?" Bellamy asks. 

"Saving me." Clarke says. Bellamy blushes. 

"How did you-" 

"I heart you and nomon talking." Clarke says, "I tried to wake up, but I couldn't." 

"Lucid dream." Bellamy says. "Clarke how did this happen to you?" Clarke remembers everything, the rocks, the fall. 

"I fell out of the tree onto my sword." Clarke says, "Imagine that, a seven year old falling out of a tree like an idiot." She smiles. 

"Clarke, why did you have an azgeda blade?" Bellamy asks, "Did you steal it from Maia?" 

"I found it, in the woods." Clarke says, a little annoyed that Bellamy thought she stole. 

"Clarke if they did this to you...please tell me." Bellamy begs. 

"They didn't...I did it to myself." Clarke says, "Stupid." Bellamy nods. "I'm getting out of here." Clarke says and stands up. 

"Take it easy, you were stabbed." Bellamy says and she holds her side. 

"I feel that." Clarke leans on him and limps toward the door. 

"Clarke, honey." Abby says entering the room. Clarke balls her fists, the sight of her mom disgusted her. 

"I don't want to see you."Clarke says and continues forward, forcing Bellamy along with her. 

"Clarke." Abby says, "Beja. Ai laik fiya." Please, I'm sorry.

"No you're not." Clarke says and stumbles out of the room. 

"Clarke." Bellamy says. 

"Save the lecture." Clarke says, " You might be older than me, but you don't understand this." She lets go of him and runs, well tries to run, to the bunks. She lays down and winces in pain. Bellamy approaches her. "Gon we, Bellamy." Go away. Bellamy walks away wanting to give her space. 

Two weeks later and Bellamy and Clarke hadn't spoken. They sparred and did their work, but they didn't talk like they used to. Bellamy sits on the balcony alone staring at the sky. Raven comes out and sits next to him. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing." Bellamy says bluntly. 

"Clarke." Raven says. Bellamy stares at Clarke who is laying on her bed. 

"Our first hug..." Bellamy mumbles, "Followed by two weeks of silence. I don't know how to fix it." 

"Give her time Bellamy." Raven says, "There are some things we'll never understand." Ravens shakes her head, "We are not grounders." 

"Yes we are." Bellamy says. He relaxes deciding he would give her a bit more time before confronting her. So another week passed, with no talking. One day after sparring Bellamy grabs Clarke's arm as everyone left. 

"Bellamy, let me go." Clarke says, "Titus will be mad if we're late." 

"Screw it." Bellamy says and pulls her away. 

"Bellamy, stop." Clarke rips her hand from his. 

"If you wanted me to stop, you would've pushed me off back there." Bellamy says, "You're young, but you aren't weak." 

"What do you want?" 

"I want to talk about why you haven't spoken to me in a while." Bellamy says. Clarke shakes her head no. "Then let's spar." Bellamy throws her a staff. She catches it. 

"Fine." She says and prepares herself for combat. She strikes. 

"What did I do?" He strikes back. She pushes his staff down. 

"You offended me deeply." She says, "You shouldn't meddle in affairs you will never understand." 

"Why can't you just explain it to me?" He asks. 

"I'm not ready." She says and he looks into the young girl's eyes, "You're 11 you should know when someone doesn't want to talk about something." 

"I want you to be able to talk to me." He says and she pushes him down, "About anything." 

"Not this." She kicks him down. He breathes heavily. She extends her hand. "Come on, let's just go home." 

"Fine." He says and they walk together. She nudges his stomach playfully. 

"When you're 15 and I'm 11 like you I'll still kick you're ass." She remarks. 

"I'm actually 12." He argues. 

"What?" She stops, "When was your birthday?" 

"Last week." Bellamy says. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asks, "I would've gotten you something." 

"I'm not one for birthdays." Bellamy shrugs. She nods and they continue forward. 

"Next year you'll get a good gift." Clarke says. 

"No I don't want a gift." 

"It's gonna be great." She says and walks confidently forward. 

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