Chapter 35

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9 years after the deal

Snow falls as Clarke watches her mother's body and Titus's body being set onto the burial place. 

"Heda." Lincoln says out of respect, "It's time." Clarke takes the torch and lights the fire. 

"Hofli graun en folau na gon won. Medo en keryon, kriken sonraun en branon."(May the Earth and ash become one. Body and spirit, old life and new.) Clarke says as the many trikru commoners watch, "Kom graun, oso na groun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op."(From the Earth we will grow. From the ashes we will rise.) 

"Kom folau, oso na gyon op."Everyone repeats, Even Bellamy who is in the back of the crowd in cuffs. The fire blazes high and many leave after paying their respects to Clarke. Clarke stares at the blazing fire and Lincoln approaches her. 

"Clarke come on." Lincoln says, "It's been three hours out here, you should come's freezing." She ignores him. "Clarke you're only 16 you shouldn't have to do this alone." 

"And you're only 17." She growls. He backs away, "I need another minute." Clarke says, "Beja. Gon we ai." (Please leave me.) Lincoln leaves reluctantly. Clarke stands alone staring into the fire. She didn't want this to happen to them. She loved them both so much. They both just wanted the best for her. She checks to make sure she's alone and lets a tear slip from her eyes, followed by many more. 

"C-Clarke." Bellamy stutters from behind her. Clarke wipes her eyes and turns around seeing him far away from her. She shakes her head and throws her hand over her mouth to stop herself from sobbing. He walks closer to her while still in cuffs. 

"Bellamy I'm sorry, but what I said stands." She says, "This marriage is over." She turns back to the fire. 

Octavia and Aurora walk through the hall. Octavia nods to a guard to make everything seem normal. Once they are out of sight Octavia pushes her mom into a side room. In a hushed voice Octavia says, "Mom it's been two days, Clarke's ordering the march into Arkadia tomorrow. How many do we have out?" 

"81." Aurora says, "Mostly kids and older people, the teens want to stay and help." 

"Like who?" 

"Miller, Fox, Roma, Monroe, Sterling, Mbege, Bree, and Myles." Aurora says, "They're leaving with the last mission tonight. When we leave." 

"Mom I can't just leave these people here to die." Octavia says. 

"They killed Clarke's mom, Wells." Aurora says, "This is the smart move, we know who's bad. We singled out anyone who had any part in this. All 48 of them. This is what Bellamy would do. This is how we survive." 

"Bellamy isn't always right Mom." Octavia says, "He tried to hide the deaths from Clarke, if he was successful and Clarke eventually found out he'd be dead." 

"Octavia please." Aurora says, "You have to leave with me tonight. If not for us, for your family, do it for Lincoln and Clarke." 

"Clarke's strong." 

"Her mother just died, Bellamy just betrayed her, she needs a friend like you." Aurora says, "Lincoln loves you, he needs you." 

"Okay. You're right." Octavia says, "I'm sorry I'll leave tonight." 

"Okay." Aurora says, "I need to find Jackson." Octavia goes the opposite direction of her mom. While she walks down the hall the same guard walks past. Octavia smiles and continues forward. The man walks past again and Octavia gets nervous. He walks slowly towards her. 

"Ms. Blake, where did you acquire that walkie?" 

"I found it, in the woods. Raven Reyes rebuilt it." Octavia backs away. 

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