Chapter 22

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8 years after the deal

"Heda. This meeting is for you only." Titus says. 

"If the sky people can't trust Bellamy then they can't trust me." Clarke says. Bellamy laughs to himself. 

"That is enough." Titus says, "You need to start acting like the commander it has been a week. Octavia and Lincoln must go at least." Clarke turns her head and Lincoln ushers them out of the room. Clarke sits down with them. She nods to Wells and he smiles. 

"Well commander as you know we sent many of our children to Polis to grow up with you, to train with you." Jaha says. 

"A program put into place by Lexa." Titus adds although he never agreed with this. 

"Anyways, there is a reason behind sending them there." Jaha says. 

"Like there's a reason behind locking up Murphy and Raven?" Bellamy spits. 

"Locking up?" Clarke asks, "They're still in holding?" 


"They should've been released the moment I arrived here." Clarke says. 

"We have another important task to deal with before that Heda." Titus says. 

"Go on." Clarke says. 

"You see Lexa promised, vowed that if we sent our children to Polis, she would initiate us into the coalition." Jaha says. 

"Which you will be as soon as we arrive in Polis and you bear our mark." Clarke says and looks to Titus as if this is a waste of her time. 

"Another promise she made is that you are to marry one of the children sent to Polis." Jaha says, "As a way to further protect Arkadia." 

"Me?" Clarke asks. 

"She promised the next commander would." Jaha says, "And here you are." 

"She's to marry one of us?" Bellamy asks. 

"We have someone in mind." Jaha says and his eyes dart to Wells. Bellamy is immediately aware of who they are talking about and is filled with jealousy. He'd imagined marrying Clarke, even if she hadn't thought of him like that. 

"What?" Bellamy asks standing up angrily. 

"Guards take him away." Jaha says. Bellamy stares into Jaha's eyes as he is pulled away. He used to trust Jaha so much, but that trust was gone. Clarke clenches her fists. 

"He is rightfully angry for me." Clarke says. 

"Lexa promised this to us." Jaha argues. 

"She knew that the duty of the commander was too hard on her alone." Titus says. It made sense to Clarke. While she slept the commanders came to her and told her that she should find someone, but she thought it was her own mind. 

"I will not marry someone because Lexa couldn't bear this alone. I won't." Clarke says. 

"You must." Titus says, "It's law." Titus shows her a scroll which says the terms. She reads it carefully. 

"This says I can marry who I want." Clarke says.

"We thought that Wells would be the best choice." Jaha says. Wells looks up from the table. 

"What?" Wells asks. 

"You are my son, a shoe in for chancellor, and she's commander. It just makes sense." Jaha says. 

"I won't force her to marry me." Wells says. 

"She will do what's best for her people." Jaha says, "Talk to your friends." Jaha hands her a walkie talkie. She turns it on, she was familiar with it from using them to talk to Bellamy while he was on duty. It took him so long to find the parts to make two radios. 

"Hello?" She asks. 

"Clarke?" Raven's voice asks. 


"Marrying Wells is what's best for skaikru and the grounders." 


"I think you should marry him." Raven says. Clarke turns off the radio. 

"I need time." Clarke says. 

"Then you shall have time." Jaha says and they rise. Titus stays seated. Jaha walks to the door. Wells drops next to her. 

"I would never do this to you." He says. 

"My son, come." Jaha says. Wells leaves the room. Titus moves closer. 

"You must marry him." Titus says, "If you don't marry him here, everyone of our guards, our people, me, you, everyone of our people in this camp will die. He is the best choice." 

"You know how I feel for Bellamy." Clarke says, "And you will let them do this." 

"I know that Bellamy doesn't feel the same way for you." Titus says, and Clarke looks up at him tearfully, "He told me himself." He lies. "You will marry him tomorrow, as Lexa would've wanted. You will learn to love him." 

"Stop." Clarke says, "I'll marry him because it is my duty, not because I love him." 


"You know who I love." Clarke says, "But I will bear it so our people don't have to." 


"Leave me." Clarke says the tears uncontrollably falling from her eyes. 

"Should I send for Bellamy?" 

"No, I can't see him before the wedding." She says knowing she will tell him how she feels, and now knowing he won't reciprocate those feelings. "Just go." Titus leaves and she sobs into her arm. 

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