Chapter 14

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5-6 years after the deal

Bellamy runs ahead into Polis like usual. He meets Aden in the hall but Aden won't meet his eyes. Bellamy shrugs and runs to the bunks. Not seeing Clarke he walks down the hall to the throne room. He pulls on the door and it's locked. He slides the small piece of wood keeping it locked out and Clarke stumbles out. 

"Bellamy." Clarke says. Clarke hugs him and he returns her hug. They walk over to their beds. 

"Clarke I need to tell you something." Bellamy says. 

"Raven and Murphy aren't coming back." Clarke blurts. 

"Yeah, how did you know?" Bellamy asks. 

"I was trying to tell you guys before you left, but Aden locked me in here." Clarke says. 

"Do you know why?" Bellamy asks. 

"No." Clarke says. "Do you?" A glimmer of hope in her voice. 

"No. Titus won't tell me anything." Bellamy says. "You tried to warn me and I didn't understand."  

"How could you I was acting crazy." Clarke says, "I think their going back had something to do with..." Clarke trails off and looks over at the bodies. She sobs into Bellamy's shoulder. He looks over there. 

"Clarke why were you locked in here?" Bellamy asks. 

"Aden wouldn't let me leave Polis." Clarke says. 

"So he left you in here with the bodies?" Bellamy asks. He stands and storms out of the room, finding Aden in the bunks. He pulls him up and punches him in the face. "You locked her in a room with two dead kids." Bellamy punches Aden again. 

"Bellamy!"  Clarke yells. Bellamy holds Aden against a wall. 

"She has to face what she's done." Maia says. 

"If it was up to us you'd both be in there, with your two little skaikru friends that have to go back where they came from." Nic says, "And Miller too." 

"She can't leave Polis." Aden says as Bellamy holds him tightly. Bellamy lets his grip go. 

"She has to face the same fate we all do." Maia says. "She doesn't get privileges for killing her own people." 

"Shut up." Bellamy says. 

"They'll shut up when she's commander." Fox says. 

"She's already the commander." Aden says, "The commander of death." 

"Wanheda." Maia spits. 

"Wanheda." The others start. "Wanheda! Wanheda! Wanheda!" It becomes a chant. Clarke runs out of the room while Bellamy, Wells, Miller, Peter, Myles, and John Mbege fight them off. Juli follows after Clarke and as Clarke weeps Juli walks over to her. 

"Juli. I'm sorry." Clarke says trying to find forgiveness in her old friend. 

"No I'm sorry Clarke. You don't receive forgiveness after killing two of my friends. Of your people. You are not worthy to be Heda. I don't care what color your blood is." 

"Juli." Clarke says moving towards her. Juli backs away. 

"Don't touch me wanheda." Juli says running out of the room. Clarke breaks and cries into her sleeve. After a while she looks at a piece of broken glass. She wipes her eyes and picks up the glass cutting her fingers. She winces and drops it. She breathes in and out. She smears the blood on her neck and face. 

"Ai laik Wanheda." She says and looks in the glass with no remorse. She stands and leaves the room. 

Later as Clarke walks to sparring Bellamy jogs towards her. "Clarke." He spins her around. "Woah. What happened?" He tries to wipe off her blood. 

"Leave it, Bellamy." Clarke says. 

'What do you mean? It looks like you were at the wrong end of a blade." Bellamy laughs. Clarke stares at him. "Okay not funny, but why are you covered in blood?" 

"This is who I am Bellamy." Clarke says, "The commander of death." 

"I knew I should've followed you after you left, what happened?" Bellamy asks. 

"I realized who I am and I think you need to realize too." Clarke says. Bellamy laughs. 

"You're not serious." He tries to wipe off her blood. He stares at his black soaked sleeve. 

"Bellamy stop it." Clarke says, "I'm not some little girl anymore." 

"You're 12." Bellamy says. 

"I'll be 13 in a month." Clarke says, "That's besides the point. I'm Wanheda. Bringer of Death." 

"Clarke what happened to Gregor and Mari is not you're fault." Bellamy says. Jack glares at Clarke as he walks past her. 

"They think otherwise. Titus thinks it's my fault." Clarke says. 

"Everyone gather." Titus yells. 

"I'm done talking." Clarke says. They father around Titus. 

"Today an ambassador has come to evaluate you." Titus says, "You can fight whoever you want." They nod and spread out. 

"Aden spar with me?" Clarke asks. Aden looks back at Maia and nods. 

"You've decided to fight other people than weak skaikru." Aden says. Clarke nods. They begin and Aden is soon on the ground. Clarke walks to the next. 

"Maia?" Clarke asks. Maia shakes her head and begins sparring with Guara. 

After a while of sparring Clarke had beaten every nightblood. "That's enough for today." Titus says. They clear the area leaving Titus, Lexa, and the ambassador together. 

"Was that enough time?" Lexa asks. 

"Yes." The ambassador says pulling out drawings of each nightblood child. 

"Who knew we had such a talented artist in our midst?" Titus says, "You were supposed to evaluate them." 

"No these sketchings are going to skaikru." Lexa says. 

"But why?" Titus asks. 

"Jaha requested them." Lexa says and turns to the ambassador. "Bring them to our fastest riders." The ambassador nods and leaves. 

"Heda, Today was not the best for this. You should've told me." Titus says, "Clarke appears to be going through a phase." 

"She looks strong in those." Lexa says. 

"She looks like a child murderer. I don't know how he captured the amount of blood on her face so well." 

"Skaikru needs to know that they will have a strong commander after all this pain. They have to keep two children in solitary prison until I fall." Lexa says, "We owe them this." Titus nods and follows her. 

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