Chapter 32

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9 years after the deal

"Oh my God." Murphy says once again walking in on Clarke and Bellamy. 

"Murphy." Bellamy says as they throw on layers of clothes. 

"Relax if I see anything I haven't before, I'll throw money at it." Murphy says, "We gotta go." 

"Is Titus really that anxious to see me?" Clarke asks, "It's only been a week."

"You have seen him every day since you were 6." Bellamy says. Clarke rolls her eyes.

"Who's coming?" Clarke asks. 

"Monty, Jasper, Raven, Octavia, Lincoln, and myself." 

"How many guards?" 

"Only 3 surprisingly." Murphy says, "I guess you're people think we'll protect you." 

"We protect each other." Clarke says. 

"Yeah don't you see this hideous black marking  on my arm?" Bellamy rolls up his sleeve. 

"It's the symbol of our people." Clarke says. 

"It was funny watching you wince at the altar." Murphy laughs. 

"I know he's such a baby." Clarke says, "I have 12 markings on my back and I was silent during the ceremony." 

"Can we talk about how I get injured at every single one of your weddings? Poisoned the first, then scalded." 

"Keep talking and you'll be injured at the next." Clarke says. Murphy laughs as they make their way to the gates of Polis. Bellamy picks up his gun he previously left by the no weapons sign. He cocks it and Clarke and Lincoln step back. 

"You should probably learn to use this." Bellamy says. Clarke shakes her head in disapproval. 

"Legend has it, that if a grounder yields a gun the mountain men will slaughter their entire village." Lincoln says. 

"You believe that bs?" Jasper asks. 

"Yes." Clarke says confidently, "Haven't any skaikru felt the wrath of the mountain?" 

"No." Monty says, "No interactions at all funnily enough." 

"That cannot be true." Clarke says, "The mountain-" 

"Clarke we weren't permitted to leave camp-ever." Jasper says.

"So no interaction." Clarke smiles, "Trust me in that department Lexa did you a favor."

"So gracious." Murphy says as they walk. After about 20 minutes the impatient Monty and Jasper begin playing tag as they walk through the dimly lit forest.

"You two have little to no patience!" Bellamy yells as they run past them. 

"We know how to have fun!" Jasper yells panting. They slow down. 

"Clarke any grounder games?" Monty asks. 

"There was a game in my village." Clarke smiles, "The ballsy kids would steal two of the bottles of nightblood from the flamekeepers and we'd seperate into teams. Both hid their bottles and them we had to find them."

"You'd never play with us." Lincoln says. 

"I couldn't. If I fell in front of you guys and busted my knee or something, I'd be turned in." Clarke says. 

"So it's capture the flag?" Octavia asks. Lincoln and Clarke shoot her confused looks, "It's just like that game with flags." 

"So just more lame?" Lincoln says with a smile. Clarke hits him arm. 

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