Chapter Twenty Four.

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6:00 p.m.

New York City, New York

"Alright, so how is everything looking so far? Anything else you need from me?" Marshall asked as he was on the phone with Sophia.

"No, sir, Mr. Mathers. Everything is perfectly in place. The venues are booked, the DJ is booked, the dress should be finished in less than two weeks, the cake should be finished around that time also and everything will be set for sure. All you have to do is make sure that your guests are there and get Alexis to the venue. I'll take care of everything else." She explained to him.

"Aight, cool. I guess I'll be seeing you soon."

"That you will."

Marshall exchanged a few more words with her and hung up. He smiled to himself, stroking his chin. He couldn't deny his excitement. He was finally giving Alexis the wedding she always deserved and everything was coming together for the special day. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face. He definitely made sure to check in with everyone he invited and made sure that they were coming. Luckily, everyone confirmed that they able to make it.

Only people he invited from his side of the family was his daughters, Nathan and Kim. He hoped and prayed that Kim wouldn't show her ass and ruin the day for them. Only reason he invited her was because he was the mother to their daughter. He also invited Carmen, Paul, his D12 crew, Dre and his wife and 50 Cent.

Since Nathan had only another week until he graduated, he was definitely looking forward to having his little brother working for him. He knew that Nathan was goofy as hell, but he was also very smart and had a creative mind. He knew he would be a good addition to the team.

Marshall placed his phone in his pocket and walked into the studio to see Rick Rubin at the soundboard, scrolling through his phone. He greeted Marshall with a man handshake and patted his back.

"Hey, man. You ready to get to work?" He asked him.

"Hell yeah. Let's get it." Marshall nodded.

He walked into the booth and placed his headphones on his head. He gave Rick the go-ahead and Rick pressed a button to play the music. As soon as it started, Marshall began to rap his verse.

"Now this shit's about to kick off, this party looks wack. Let's take it back to straight hip-hop and start it from scratch...."

After recording, taking out parts he didn't like, redoing some over and rewriting lyrics, Marshall paced around the studio as him and Rick vibed to his newly recorded song titled Berzerk, inspired by one of his favorite groups--The Beastie Boys. As he listened deeply to the song, something sparked and hit him inside. He knew for sure that this was the song he wanted to be released as the first single.

He listened to the song for a second and even third time before bumping fists with Rick.

"This is what I want as the first single. For sure." Marshall told him.

"We could definitely make that happen." Rick nodded, "So I hear somebody's getting married."

He chuckled and nodded his head, "I remember hearing those words from Dre back when I proposed to Lexi. But yeah, I'm finally giving my girl the wedding she deserves."

"Glad you two are still going strong. I would come to the wedding, but I got a prior engagement that day. But I gotta admit, I didn't think you'd ever allow another woman into your life like that, let alone get married again."

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