Chapter Forty Two.

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7:45 a.m.
New York City, New York

Alexis tossed and turned most of the night, unable to properly sleep. She could tell that Marshall hadn't came home since he wasn't laying next to her and the covers weren't flipped back like he'd at least been there. She figured he stayed out all night, probably at the studio or just driving around. She couldn't blame him for being upset. He had every right to be. But he also had to understand why she needed to see Dante. She needed to release her feelings onto him and let him know how he hurt her and betrayed her.

She wanted closure so she could move on. If she saw a therapist, they'd tell her the same thing. She had to do it for her sanity and her soul.

Alexis flipped back the covers and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Thirty minutes later, Alexis dried her face with a hand towel after finishing her skincare routine and tightened her towel around her body. She walked back into the bedroom and dried off her body before applying the cocoa butter all over her skin. She brushed her short hair straight so it rested on the right side of her face. She did her makeup and got dressed in a pair of black high waisted jeans, a white long sleeved ruffled off the shoulder crop top and a pair of white and black ombre snakeskin Louboutin pointed toe heels.

She grabbed her black Moschino tote handbag and her phone, texting her driver before walking down the stairs. She scrolled through her contacts until she found Marshall and tried to call him. It rang four times before going to his voicemail. She sighed and decided to leave a message.

"I know you're either in the recording booth, ignoring me or both. I know you're upset and you have every right to be. You're so protective of me and you love me with everything inside of you. I love that about you. But I hope you understand why I have to see him. It's not to piss you off and it's not to spite you. It's because I need to. I can't keep running from this and I can't keep ignoring it. I have to get the proper closure. If I talked to a therapist, they'd tell me the same thing and you know that. You're my husband and I respect your feelings and your wishes. But you have to do the same as well. See you soon. I love you, Shady." She spoke into the phone.

She hung up and sighed again, placing her phone into her handbag. She walked out of the door, locking it behind her and got into the backseat of the blacked out SUV.

"Morning, Mrs. Alexis." Antonio greeted her.

"Hi, Tony. How are you?"

"I'm doing good." He nodded.

Once the driver was in his seat, he looked back at her.

"Where to, Mrs. Parsons-Mathers?"

"To the prison, please."

The driver nodded his head and pulled out of the driveway onto the road.

Forty five minutes later, the SUV pulled up to the prison and Alexis began to feel even more nervous than she already was. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, shaking her head.

"You can do this, girl. Don't be nervous. He can't hurt you anymore." She told herself.

"Mrs. Alexis, are you sure you want to do this?" Antonio asked her.

"Yes. I am. I have to." She nodded.

"Do you need me to go in with you?"

"No, I think I'll be ok. Thank you for offering."

Alexis got out of the SUV, closing the door behind her and made her way inside of the building. She approached the receptionist's desk and the receptionist smiled at her.

"Hi there. Who are we here to see?" She asked Alexis.

"Um, Dante Hartley."

"And your name?"

"Alexis Parsons-Mathers."

The receptionist wrote her name down and who she was there to see and looked up at her.

"Alright, you can follow Mark here. He'll take you to the proper area and Dante should be brought out in just a few minutes."

"Thank you."

Mark, the guard guided Alexis to the room where other visitors were conversing with other inmates and she took her seat at the empty booth. About five minutes later, Dante walked out with another guard holding him by the arm and he sat down across from Alexis. He looked like pure hell and that kind of made her happy. They picked up the phone at the same time and placed it to their ear.

"Hey." She spoke.

"What you doing here?" He asked.

"I needed to see you."

He chuckled softly, "Had to check up on your other man, huh?"

She scoffed, "Ex-man, ok? You're my ex. That's what you are and that's all you'll ever be."

"If I'm your ex, then why you here?"

"I came to see you look like shit. Glad to know my original thoughts were understated." She threw at him.

"Fuck off, Lexi."

"No, you fuck off. Do you know how you humiliated me? You betrayed me. You hurt me. You broke me. Did you really think your bullshit would work? Did you really think you could scare into getting back with you? Especially after you were the one who gave me a fucking ultimatum when we were together?"

Dante remained silent and she scoffed again.

"Oh, now you quiet, huh? Here's what I don't get. You and I were both into music and wanted to pursue it as a career. I supported you 110% and you supported me the same the beginning. The moment I got discovered before you, your insecurities began to show up. You had the nerve to be threatened instead of showing the support I gave you. I never told you to cancel time with your band or cancel studio time. But you always wanted me to sacrifice my shit for you. If I asked you to do that shit, I'd be cussed out and accused of being a spiteful bitch. You didn't come back into my life this many years later just because you wanted me back, so don't feed me that bullshit. Why did you come back?"

"I ain't talking' about this."

"You don't have a fucking choice. I don't give two fucks about what you want. You assaulted me in more ways than one. You lied to me. You threatened my marriage. You slept with my cousin while we were together. And you think that's love?" She scoffed bitterly, "You got your priorities fucked up. I demand answers and I demand them now."

He was silent for a minute and then sucked his teeth, "Man, it was supposed to be you and me at the top of the world. I don't know what happened. You weren't home, loving on me and your cousin was. Yeah, I was threatened and I shouldn't have been. I don't know why I was. Knowing he was the one that had you and I didn't annoyed me."


"Cause he's beneath you."

"You don't even fucking know him."

"I know enough. I don't give a fuck about them awards or how well he can spit a verse. The white boy got my girl snowed and she fell for it."

"So you're more pissed off cause he's white? Are you serious?"

He shrugged and Alexis looked at him in annoyance and disgust. She couldn't believe that was the reason behind his motives.

"So your reason for wanting me back wasn't even because you wanted me. You just wanted to be a black knight and "rescue" the princess from the white boy? Do you know how stupid that sounds? You know damn well I never discriminated against nobody. I like who I like and I like whoever treats me the way I deserve. It could've been you if you weren't such a jealous asshole. You knew me. I never let anybody dictate to me or try to control me. I don't know if you forgot who I am or who my parents are, but I refuse to let anybody make me out to be a fool like you did. Marshall loves me, adores me and protects me with every cell in his body. He never fucked another woman cause I was out working for my career. You have no idea the lengths that man's gone through to make sure I'm good. You went through all that trouble, abused me and made me feel low just to end up in here. How's it feel?"

He remained quiet and Alexis could see him actually sulking. Good, that's what he needed.

"Look, Lexi, I was wrong, aight? I was stupid and I shouldn't have disrespected you like that." He expressed.

"You're right, you shouldn't have and you were stupid. I'm not your fucking property. You don't own me. You made me feel lower than I ever had in my life. But you know what? I actually forgive you. I had to, for myself. I'm not wasting any more time on you or feeling like my worth is gone. I have a fantastic career and people who love me. I have a man that loves me wholeheartedly and that I love right back tenfold. He's the one making picking up the pieces of the damage you caused. He's the one that makes me feel wanted and protected. He's the one right there by my side, supporting me in anything I do. He's the one that makes love to me damn near every night. He's the one telling me how beautiful I am and building me up. Most importantly....he's the one God made especially for me. Not you." She told him.

Dante looked down, feeling the guilt take over and realizing his mistakes.

"I hope your time in here helps you look through your bruised ego. I hope when you get out, you find someone that you genuinely love. Hopefully, you won't make the same mistakes you made with me. I don't need you to like my relationship. I don't give a fuck if you do. I love my relationship and I love my husband. Mostly because he's not you. Have a nice life, Dante. Goodbye."

Alexis placed the phone on the hook and walked out of the room. She walked out of the prison and inhaled deeply before exhaling. She felt a weigh lift off of her shoulders and she felt....lighter. She felt truly set free and she felt like she got the closure she needed. She got into the backseat of the car and closed the door.

"Everything alright, Mrs. Alexis?" Antonio asked her.

"Couldn't be better." She smiled genuinely and looked at the driver, "Take me to the office."

Alexis' heels clicked against the tile floors as she walked out of the elevator. She looked and saw Carmen walking around, writing in her folder. She looked at Alexis and smiled brightly.

"Boss lady, how you doing?" She greeted her with a hug.

"I'm great. How are things going here?"

"They're going well. Jenesis has expressed that he'd loved to have your vocals on a song he's doing and Shero has a photoshoot tomorrow morning around 10:00."

"That's great. I have the perfect person to do her makeup for the shoot."

Paul and Yelawolf were walking down from the hallway and the two of them gave Alexis a hug.

"Yela, it's so good to see you again. Tour life must've done you some good." She told him.

"Hell yea. I'm glad to be getting back in the studio, though. You've been killin' shit out here, I see."

"Of course. You know me." She chuckled, "I can't wait to hear what you got."

"I hear somebody's trying to get their own label started." Paul mentioned.

"Yes, it's true."

"Aww, you're leaving us?" Carmen playfully pouted.

"Of course not. I'm not neglecting my duties here at Shady Records. I just want a label that's more for singers or a mix of singers and rappers. I love hip-hop and rap as much as Marshall, but y'all know R&B is my wheelhouse."

"We do know. Either way, you got our support and we can't wait to see where it takes you." Paul smiled.

"Thanks, Paul." She smiled, "Where's Marshall?"

"He's in the office. He just got out of the studio not too long ago."

"Thank you. Let me go see him. I'll talk to you guys later."

They nodded their heads and Alexis began to make her way to Marshall's office. She cleared her throat and gently knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He spoke from inside.

"It's me."

There was a brief silence until she heard his voice again.

"Come on in." He said.

She opened the door and saw Marshall sitting at his desk with his eyeglasses on. She hated how sexy he looked whenever he wore his glasses, but she adored it like crazy as well. He flipped down his MacBook and looked over at her, resting his elbow against the arm of the chair as his chin rested against his knuckles. He looked her up and down intensely and Alexis placed her handbag onto the leather couch before walking closer to him.

She slowly straddled his lap and he looked up at her, keeping his hands on the arms of the chair.

"You look different." He finally spoke.

"I feel different. I me again."

"Did you get what you wanted?"

"Actually, I did."

He nodded his head and the room fell silent again.

"I got your message." He told her.

"Marshall...." She started, but got cut off by him holding up his hand.

"I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have overreacted like that, aight? I couldn't understand why you wanted to see him and while it pissed me off, I understand now why you had to do it. I get it, aight?" He expressed.

She nodded her head and rested her hands against his chest.

"I shouldn't have just left you at the house, but I needed to clear my head. I've been in the studio and the office all night and most of the day just trying to calm down. I'm sorry for leaving you alone."

"I understand and I forgive you."

Marshall wrapped his arm around her waist, placing his hand against her ass and buried his head into her neck. She grabbed his other hand and intertwined their fingers. Something about them was that if they ever had an argument or a disagreement, it never lasted. They loved each other too much to wallow in their own anger or misery. The love between each other meant more to them than that.

"I hate it when we have a argument and I'm supposed to be mad at you when I know the love I got for you is bigger than that shit." He shook his head.

"I hate it when we fight too. Even though it's not that often."

"Look, I done basically handled shit for the whole day. How about you and I head back to the house, I'll order some food from our favorite spot and have it delivered and we can relax in the bathtub until then?" He suggested.

"I'd like that a lot, actually." She smiled.

"Aight, good. Let's go ahead and get outta here."

Alexis nodded her head and stood up, straightening out her top. Marshall stood up from his chair and looked down at her, wrapping his arm around her waist before kissing her lips tenderly.

"Missed them lips all day." He admitted.

She blushed softly and he grabbed onto her hand, intertwining their fingers as they walked out of his office.

After Marshall and Alexis arrived back home, the two of them were relaxing in the bathtub surrounded by bubbles. Alexis was leaned back against Marshall's chest and sat in between his legs as he was behind her, caressing and stroking her smooth skin. She was discussing the details of her visit with Dante and Marshall scoffed, shaking his head when he learned the reason behind Dante's actions.

"So that motherfucker went through all that shit cause he's pissed that the "white boy" married a black girl? One that used to be his? That's a bullshit excuse." He said.

"Tell me about it." She rolled her eyes, "I was pissed off when he told me that shit."

"So now he sitting in jail for years cause of some ego shit. Not to mention, I'm still married to you and ain't goin' nowhere."

"You better mean that." She looked up at him.

He scoffed softly, "I ain't leaving you, my girls, my brother or the hip-hop game without a fight. Got too much shit to do and I ain't nowhere near done."

She chuckled softly and pecked his lips, leaning back against his chest again. He wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on her bare shoulder.

After their bubble bath and changing into comfortable clothes, Alexis and Marshall sat on the couch digging into their food while also enjoying small conversation with each other.

"I'll be releasing my first single from my album tomorrow." He told her.

"Really? Did you show it to me or is it one I haven't previewed?" She questioned, taking another bite of grilled chicken Caesar salad.

"I showed it to you. Berzerk, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember. The one I threatened you to put out as a single."

"Yeah, that one." He chuckled, "We'll be filming the video tomorrow too. Should be out in a couple weeks."

"I wish I could be there to see it, but you know Shero's shooting her video tomorrow and I gotta be there as boss lady."

"Oh, damn. That's right. Well, we ain't shooting until the afternoon and I think her video shoot is in the morning."

"I might try and come down there." She nodded.

"I might have a different look, so be warned."

"Different how?" She wondered, raising her eyebrow.

Marshall rubbed the hair on his head and Alexis' eyes widened in excitement as she smiled brightly.

"Slim Shady's going back blonde?"

"Yea, been a while, ya know?"

"I'll try my best not to jump your bones. Though, I'm making no promises."

Marshall laughed, shaking his head and licked his lips.

"You crazy, you know that?" He told her.

"Crazy 'bout Shady." She winked.

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