Chapter Twenty Two.

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10:00 a.m.

New York City, New York

"Hey, boo. You feeling any better?" Sasha asked Alexis.

Alexis sat in the living room with her ankle propped up on a pillow on the coffee table as she talked on the phone with Sasha on speaker while texting back and forth with Carmen about business. She would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying a break from things, but she was also close to going crazy. She'd been career driven and always having something going on for years, so it was kind of a change for her. She enjoyed what she did. Not many people could say that.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better. I'm supposed to get my ankle looked at tomorrow and if everything checks out, I should be getting my ankle wrap off and be back to work by Thursday." She explained.

"That's great! I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. Whenever you get some more time, we should go out to lunch or something." Sasha suggested.

"For sure, girl. I got you."

"I know Marshall has been taking great care of you."

"Girl, you have no idea. He took time off of work until he was sure my ankle was good to go. He's been cooking dinner, handling business at home like me, running my baths, rewrapping my ankle when needed. This man even painted my toes for me and he was so careful and attentive about my injury."

"Aww. Girl, you got a good one. If my man isn't willing to do things like that for me when needed, I don't want him. Y'all are relationship goals."

Alexis laughed, "He is a good one, but we had our issues back then like any couple. He tried to pull that tough guy, player shit with me. He acted like he wasn't giving anything up for a broad, as he so eloquently puts it. He wasn't going to act all lovey dovey or anything like that in front of his boys or the cameras. He wanted everyone to know he was still somewhat of a playboy and he tried to turn it around on me like I was holding him back. I got him straight like an arrow and told him off. He tried to pretend like he wasn't affected, but he was."

"That's a man for you. They're not gonna be showcasing their emotions and feelings to anybody, but they be hurt on the inside."

"Exactly. We've been through our share of shit, but when it comes down to it, I wouldn't want another man."

"That's beautiful. Ugh, one day I'll find that. I'm still keeping faith."

"You'll have it in due time, girl. Don't worry."

"Thank you, girl. You know, I'm glad I met you."

"Same here, girl. It's nice to have a genuine friend. Especially in this industry."

"Tell me about it. Even in the beauty community, some girls are just so...ugh, you know? But you a real one, I can see that."

"Well, I appreciate that." She smiled.

Alexis heard the door open and Marshall walked into the house, talking on his phone. Alexis told Sasha that she would talk with her later and hung up the phone. Marshall sat next to her on the couch and rested his hand against her thigh as she placed her hand on top of his.

"Yeah, I should be back at work tomorrow. But only if Alexis's ankle is good. She's got an appointment tomorrow morning and if everything checks out, I'll be there. Tell Shero and Dre to come around 1:00 and we can lay her track down. Nah, I ain't heard of him. Word? Aight, well, I'll check him out and see what he's about. Alright. Bye." He spoke into the phone and hung up.

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