Chapter Twenty.

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1:00 a.m.

New York City, New York

Alexis thanked her driver and walked up the driveway to the house. She used her key to open the front door and walked inside of the house, placing her keys on the table. She walked into the living room to find Marshall sitting on the sofa with his glasses on as he wrote in his notebook. Alexis walked up to him and he looked up at her with a chuckle, removing his glasses.

"No, no. Keep them on. I like you with your glasses." She urged him.

He chuckled again and shook his head, placing his glasses on again. He moved his notebook onto the coffee table and grabbed her hand, pulling her onto his lap as his hands rested at her hips.

"What's up, sexy?" He greeted her.

"Hey, big daddy Shady. I'm tired as hell and I'm starving." She admitted, burying her head into his neck.

He planted a kiss on her neck, "I got some Thai food earlier for us. I got your food in the fridge if you want it."

"That sounds good, thank you. How did work go today?" She asked, looking down at him.

"It went good. Shero and Dre got some shit cooking up in the studio and it sounds good. This girl ain't playin' with her first single." He nodded, "Jenesis is supposed to be coming tomorrow to discuss his first single. Marksmen came in the studio earlier this morning and laid down their single and it's sounding real good. Treason is supposed to release his album later this month and I got some more studio time coming up."

"That's great, baby. I'm glad to hear that." She smiled.

"What about you?" He licked his lips, placing his hands on her ass.

"Well, today we filmed a good amount of the stunts and dialogue between my character and Shia's character. We also filmed some of the behind the scenes moments. It was fun, but tiring. But I have a long lunch break tomorrow and Dante invited me to go out to lunch. Can you join?"

"I wish I could, trust me. But I'll be busy at the office. You can go."

She raised her eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you can go. Just let me know what happens. If that motherfucker tries anything, I'm coming for his head."

"And mine?"

He shook his head, "You ain't the one I worry about. I never worry about you. I know you love me and you know I'm crazy as fuck. So I don't ever really worry about you."

"That's right. I love me some Shady and I wouldn't fuck that up for nothing."

"I know, baby." He lifted up her chin and kissed her lips, "I'll heat up your food and run you a bath, alright?"

"Ok, boo."

He slapped her ass and she got off of his lap. Marshall was about to head into the kitchen until Alexis grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"You know, I know you're not a super emotional person, but I do appreciate the little stuff that you do for me. I just wanted you to know that." She expressed.

He twisted his lips to the side, holding back a grin, "You're my baby girl, you know? You and my daughters are my everything and I'll do anything y'all need me to do."

She smiled and kissed his lips tenderly, "We appreciate you and we love you."

He grinned ever so slightly, "Go chill on the couch before I tear that ass up."

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