Chapter Thirty Six.

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*Author's POV*

Alexis immediately tried to close the door on him, but he expertly blocked it and busted into her room, closing the door behind him. He dropped the roses onto the coffee table and looked at her.

"So you don't know a nigga now, huh?" He asked her.

"What are you doing here, Dante?" She asked him, crossing her arms.

"I came here to see my girl. What you think?"

"I haven't been your girl since you dumped me years ago." She scoffed.

"See? Why you bringing up old shit? That's the past, ain't it?"

"Yeah, it is the past and you know what? So are you. So get the fuck outta my room."

She tried to push him towards the door and he quickly grabbed her arm, pushing her up against the wall.

"Get the hell off me!" She screamed.

"You think you the shit since you won them two little Grammys and managed to fuck your way to Slim Shady's bed, huh?" He belittled her.

She chuckled humorlessly, "Nah, playa. Marshall noticed a hardworking, loyal woman and decided to wife her up unlike your tantrum throwing bitch ass."

Dante lifted his hand and slapped her hard, causing all different emotions to stir inside of Alexis--rage, anger and fear at the same time.

"All a nigga asked for was your time and you couldn't even fucking give me that. Luckily, your cousin Terri did. A few times, actually." He shot at her.

Alexis scoffed and chuckled softly, "You think that hurts my feelings or something? Congratulations. Hope you two had a great time together. She's always trying to chase what I've had and what I have. If anything, I should thank her for making my decision to drop the dead weight even easier. Now I got a man who truly loves me."

"That motherfucker can't do the shit I could."

"You weren't shit to begin with."

He slapped her hard once again. Alexis got so angry, she pulled back as hard as she could and decked him in the jaw. He smirked evilly and held her arms above her head.

"Lexi done got some extra spice to her, huh? I like that." He groaned softly, pressing himself against her.

"Get off of me, Dante!" She screamed, trying to get her arms free.

"Nah, see, here's how shit is gon' go down. Either you're gonna lay down in that bed willingly and I'm gonna reclaim what's supposed to be my pussy or I can drag you." He threatened her.

"Fuck you, nigga. How 'bout that?" She hissed.

He punched her, causing her to fall to the ground.

"That smart ass mouth has never been attractive." He told her.

Alexis spit blood onto the carpet, "Marshall loves my mouth and all that it can do."

Dante kicked her in the stomach, causing her to cough. He grabbed her by her legs, dragging her towards the bed as she kicked and screamed at him to get off of her. He grabbed her by the neck and yoked her up, throwing her onto the bed. Alexis tried to get up and run, but he got on top of her and held down her arms as he pressed his body against hers.

"Like I said, you will give me what's mine." He stated darkly and caressed her body, "Whether you like it or not. And go ahead and scream. Your bodyguard's gone and your punk ass husband is all the way back in New York. Nobody can save you."

"Go to hell, you son of a bitch!"

Dante punched her in the face again and gripped onto her neck, squeezing it tightly. He ripped off her clothes and forcefully thrusted himself into her, causing her to scream.

"See, I tried to be fucking nice! Now look what you made me do! Dumb ass hoe."

Alexis tried to get his hands from around her neck and tightened her pussy to keep him out, but he was too strong for her. She wasn't giving up without a fight. Even with her slowly losing consciousness. He squeezed her throat tighter and tighter. Her soft gasps for breath and choking filled the air as she began to lose the fight.

"Shhh. Good girl."

Soon, her vision turned black.

Antonio had just finished grabbing a bite to eat and held a brown bag filled with a container of food for Alexis. He took the elevators up to the top floor and walked down the hallway until he reached her room. He was about to knock on the door until he heard a suspicious noise. It sounded like...grunting.

Something inside of him didn't feel right. He reached into his pocket for a card key to her room and used it. He opened the door to see some guy on top of Alexis, thrusting himself into her. The guy looked at him and Antonio immediately noticed who the guy was--the same one he was hired to protect her from. Something told him to act quickly and he dropped the food before bombarding over to the guy, punching him off of her. Not wasting any time, he delivered brutal punch after punch.

Dante didn't stand a chance against Antonio. Once he was beaten down, Antonio quickly went over to Alexis's bloody and bruised body and began to shake her.

"Mrs. Lexi, are you alright?! Mrs. Lexi, wake up!" He said frantically.

When she didn't respond, he grabbed his phone and quickly dialed 911.

"Yes, I need the police and an ambulance here right now! Someone abused and tried to rape my client and I need a goddamn ambulance! Hurry the fuck up!" He yelled.

He gave the address and room number before hanging up. He quickly dialed Marshall's number and paced the room as he waited for an answer.

"Yo, what up?" Marshall answered.

"Mr. Mathers, I don't care how long it takes. You gotta come down here now!" He fretted, "Mrs. Lexi's been hurt."

"What?! Fucking how?!" Marshall yelled.

"All I know is I went to get her something to eat and I heard noises from her room. I opened the door and saw that Dante guy on top of her. A-And he was r-"

"Say no fucking more." He gritted his teeth, "Did you call the police?"

"Yes, they're on their way now. Just get here."

"I'm on my way."

Antonio hung up the phone and scooped Lexi's lifeless body into his arms. Luckily, he could still feel the warmth of her, so he knew she wasn't dead. He carried her out of the room and took the elevators down to the lobby. He saw paramedics and police rushing inside of the building. He helped paramedics place Alexis on a gurney and watched as they prepped her to head to the hospital. Police began to question him and he explained what he saw as they all headed up to the top floor.

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