Bow down, You're a sinner

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The world is in chaos,
Mass murder, bombing, and war seems a trend
What's happening to the world? Are you even curious?
He cleansed us once, but what did we do?

Ruined every gift he gave
Even his perfect creation was doomed.
Stop looking everywhere, it's you. it's us, the human he made

He Said:

You shall have no other gods before Me. but what's with the carved woods, you worshipped?

You shall make no idols. but have you seen yourself when you're giggling over the person on tv? Have you seen yourself getting furious and mad when the person is getting bashed?

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Was it fun using his name just to promise things? Just to make people believe, just to gain trust?

Keep the Sabbath day holy. But do you remember every plan you've made for the weekends? Oh darling, you forget to give even a second just to talk to him.

Honor your father and your mother. yet you cursed them perfectly, you disobeyed them willingly, you hurt them severely

You shall not murder. yet you killed that child in your tummy? thinking that you are doing the poor child a favor for not being born.

You shall not commit adultery. but do you remember when you had sexual intercourse with the person you really like, for the record he's a married guy?

You shall not steal. you denied it all and yes we believed you, but have you seen yourself taking that someone's money to fulfill your satisfaction?

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. But you lied perfectly, you accused them without having the facts figured out.

You shall not covet. Yet every time you look at that person, you feel hatred for not having what they have.

The way you look at that person? The lust in your eyes becomes visible

The way you consume all that food and drink all by yourself as the poor kid looks at you begging to give him a bite.

The way you seek power, wealth, and popularity. Striving so hard just to be at the top, Not minding the people you stepped on.

The way you do nothing all day, lay on your bed, go up when you're hungry, lay again, and fidget with your phone

The way you shamed, cursed, and cussed that person just to get even because she was ably surpassed you.

The way you hated that girl for having the things you always dreamt to have, living the life you wish, and being happy because you failed to be

Standing almighty even you're at fault. Knowing you wronged them doesn't break your will

We are all sinners, we denied it perfectly. Not knowing that we possess the seven deadly sins. But still, we are able to act that we are superior amongst others.

The clock is ticking.
Repent your sins before you get burnt
The soldiers of heaven are after you
Confess and live freely

No. He gave you the chance yet you refused
Face the catastrophe that placed upon you
Tick Tock, now your time runs out
Good bye and see you below the ground

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