Taming the Tongue

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Taming the tongue

He said I should be careful with my words
For once they are spoken, they cannot be unheard
But his words were like a double-edged sword
Inconsistency and confusion were his accord

I tried to hold back, to keep my anger at bay
But his actions were like a trigger, causing me to stray
My emotions poured out, my heart was exposed
Reflecting his behavior, my anger arose

I know I need to change, to control my rage
To speak kindly, to turn a new page
But it's a struggle, when his own actions
Cause me to react with such strong reactions

I never wanted to cause him any trouble
But his inconsistency, it was like a bubble
It would burst at any moment, leaving me hurt
And my words would escape, without a second thought

But deep down, I know he's not always like this
There's a side of him, filled with tenderness and bliss
He's capable of love, of care and gentleness
And I know I should strive, to mirror his kindness

So I'll try my best, to change and improve
To speak with kindness, and not let my anger prove
That I am the problem, that I cause him pain
For I know he's not to blame, it's my own refrain

I'll learn to be patient, to think before I speak
To control my temper, and not let it peak
For I never want to hurt him, not even in the slightest
For he's given me love, when I needed it most.

So I'll be careful with my words, as he has advised
For once they are spoken, they cannot be revised
And I'll strive to be better, to reflect his actions
For in his love, I have found my heart's satisfaction.


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