Parted ways

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We were happy.
Laughing, teasing, smiling
We had it good, yet we turned out like this.

When did it start?
When did we drift apart?

The conversation was shortened, the smile was forced.
The shoulder turns cold.

Fight after fight
Countless arguments
Yet we still chose to stay.
Prolonging the agony
Wasting our time

We never reached the end.
We just kind of parted ways.
I was left hanging in the middle-
wondering what happened.

But when I looked back,
I saw all the signs.
Yet, I turned a blind eye.
Because I believe I can change your mind.
But this false hope brought us here.

From now on, we will take different roads.
Finally letting go of what ifs and what could have been,
I accept that this is the end of the line-
for both of us who once held hands.

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