Falling out of love

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We used to be so deeply in love
Our hearts entwined, like hand in glove
But now I feel the distance grow
A love once fierce, now starts to slow

I try to hold on, with all my might
But something seems to not feel right
Our love, once bright, now dulls and fades
Like a rose wilting in the shades

But we keep going, day by day
Pretending everything's okay
We smile and laugh, like we used to do
But deep down, we both know it's not true

We've fallen out of love, it's clear
It seems that the end of this relationship is near
We've built a life together
And leaving now realizing there is no forever

So we stay, in this loveless game
Our old love is what we're trying to reclaim
But the spark is gone, and we both know
That we're indifferent and it's time to let go

But we stay, for the sake of what we've built
Hoping our love will be rebuilt
But sometimes, love just fades away
And we're left with nothing, but the price to pay

So here we are, in a love that's lost
Pretending it's worth the cost
Deep down, we both know
That it's time to let this love go

So let's be brave, and face the truth
Our love has reached the end of its youth
Let's part ways, and find our own path
For staying in a loveless relationship, will only bring us wrath.


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