Pain of Good bye

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A love so great, yet now must end
For goals and dreams that I always intend
The bonds that tied our hearts as one
Now torn apart, our time is done.

I must leave, to chase my dream
To a distant land I always dream
Leaving you behind, my heart is in pain
An unbearable pain I wish I could explain

We shared a love that knew no bounds
But now it's time to face the grounds
We must part, our paths untangle
This love story's ending will remain dangle

My heart aches, but I hope you understand
For dreams and passions, I have to leave my homeland
And though it hurts to say goodbye
We have to be strong and wipe our tears dry

We laughed, we loved, we made future plans
But now I must release your hands
As I fly off to a distant shore
Leaving behind a love, so pure.

I'll cherish every moment we had
Even though it ends, let's not be mad
In my journey, you'll always be a part of me
You made me feel what love should be.

Farewell, my love, with a heavy heart
But we both need to have a fresh start
The love we shared will forever stay
Even though we must go our separate ways.


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