Romancing reality

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He said I should stop watching romance movies
Because I tend to apply them in our reality
But can I help it if love is my muse
And writing it down is my only solace?

I am a romance writer, it's what I do
I paint love with words, make it come alive
Is it wrong for me to dream of a love
That I pour onto pages, hoping it'll arrive?

I can't help but see our love through rose-colored glasses
As I watch the characters fall in love on the big screen
I long for a love like theirs, passionate and endless
But perhaps I've been blinded, living in a dream

He says it's not real, just a fantasy I've created
But to me, it's a beautiful world of love and grace
I can't help but want it, to see it all unfold
Is it wrong for wanting a love I wrote about?

I know our love is not a fairy tale
But is it so bad to want it to be
Like the ones I write about
Where love conquers all, for eternity?

But can he blame me for wanting
A love that's pure, a love that's true
For isn't that what we all desire
A love that's written, just for me and you?

I'll keep watching romance movies
And I'll keep writing love stories
For in them, I find my escape
And maybe one day, our love will have the same glories.

He may not understand my love for romance
But as a writer, it's my way of expressing
And if our love can't be like the movies
At least I have my pen to keep on romancing.

So my dear, please don't ask me to stop
For my heart beats with every word I write
And though our love may not be perfect
In my stories, it shines so bright.


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