Temptation's test

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Tempted to give myself to him,
To lose myself in passion's whim,
But a promise made, I must keep,
And in my heart, it runs deep.

I will wait for marriage's vow,
For my body to be given now,
It takes strength and self-control,
But I know it's worth the toll.

He's a man who's full of grace,
Respectful and with gentle pace,
He'll wait with me until we're ready,
Our love strong and steady.

We've both chosen to save ourselves,
For the day we say our wedding vows,
No matter how aroused we may be,
We'll honor our commitment, you'll see.

It's been two years, and still we wait,
But our love only grows stronger and great,
For the self-control it took to keep our promise,
Makes our bond unbreakable, no doubt or miss.

So here we stand, hand in hand,
With love and patience, we will withstand,
Temptation's pull, and stay true,
For our love is pure, and forever new.

And when we finally say 'I do',
We'll know our love was strong and true,
For the self-control it took to wait,
Made our love even more powerful and great.


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