A Hasty Move

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Upon your proposal's unexpected plea,
A tempest of emotions swept through me.
Shock, afraid, surprise, and wonder, all at play,
As memories of our love danced in disarray.

You, the standard I measured all others by,
Embodiment of virtues, making my heart sigh.
Our connection endures, a testament to time,
A place in my heart, forever enshrined.

Yet, fate's cruel twist, a bitter pill to swallow,
My heart now belongs to another.
He fills my days with joy and grace,
A gentle soul, a loving embrace.

To shatter his heart, I could not bear the thought,
He deserves a love that's true, not lightly bought.
Though memories linger, sweet and bittersweet,
My present choice is clear, my path complete.

The timing seems amiss, a hasty move,
Why not ask for a second chance, to reignite our love?
This rush to marriage feels like a force too strong,
A pressure that clouds my thoughts, where I belong.

I still hold you dear, my friend,
But our love has changed, it's reached its end.
For him, my love has blossomed, grown so deep,
A bond I cannot break, a promise I must keep.

Let's give ourselves time, to ponder and reflect,
When circumstances shift, our fate we may inspect.
But for now, my choice is made, my path defined,
The right decision, for all involved, I find.


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