What is love?

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What is love, but a fleeting emotion,
A feeling that consumes me with devotion?
Is it real or just an illusion?
A mere figment of my imagination?

Is it the butterflies in my stomach,
Or the racing heart when our eyes lock?
Or is it the warmth that fills my chest,
When I'm with you, I feel my best?

Is love the sweet words whispered in my ear,
Or the gentle touch that banishes all fear?
Or is it the sacrifices we make,
For the happiness of our beloved's sake?

Is it the laughter that echoes in the air,
Or the tears shed in moments of despair?
Or is it the comfort of a hand to hold,
When life's challenges become too bold?

Is love the passion that ignites a fire,
Or the calm that quenches all desire?
Or is it the trust that binds our souls,
Making us feel complete and whole?

As I ponder upon these thoughts,
My heart and mind in a tangled knot,
I realize that love is all of these,
A complex web of emotions and beliefs.

So, what is love? I still do not know,
But one thing is for sure, it continues to grow.
With each passing day, it evolves and changes,
But its essence remains, eternal and ageless.

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