loving you too fast

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I fell for you like a leaf in autumn,
Drifting towards your warmth and charm,
But as I got to know you, I started to see,
That we were not meant to be.

We are different in so many ways,
Our interests, our thoughts, our days,
We don't have much in common,
And it's becoming a burden.

You don't understand me, my heart and soul,
You never challenge me to reach my goal,
I'm always the one to sacrifice,
My money, my time, it's not very nice.

I plan our dates, our getaways,
You just go along, without much to say,
I long for your effort, your thoughtfulness,
But all I get is your indifference.

You invalidate my feelings, my emotions,
Leaving me in a state of constant commotion,
You're not sweet, I don't feel your love,
And it's something I can no longer shove.

You barely post about me, your absence is felt,
Leaving me wondering if this is how love is dealt,
I want to end things, to break free,
But I can't, because you never cheat on me.

But is that enough, to keep us together?
Is loyalty the only thing that matters?
I want someone who loves me, who tries,
Not someone who only does the bare minimum, no matter how hard I cry.

So I must gather my courage, and let you go,
For my heart deserves more, more than you can show,
I'll find someone who understands, who loves me true,
And I'll look back at this, and be thankful I let go of you.

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