He never cheat but

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He never cheats on me, that much is true
But there are things he does that make me feel blue
He doesn't understand me, my heart and soul
Leaves me feeling empty, with a gaping hole

He doesn't exert effort, to make me feel special
No grand gestures or surprises, just the usual
No planned dates or romantic getaways
Leaves me feeling unloved, in so many ways

He invalidates my feelings, dismisses my pain
Leaves me feeling unheard, time and again
He's not sweet, no words of love or affection
Leaves me wondering, is this all just a deception?

I don't feel love, in his cold embrace
Only emptiness and sadness, in its place
He barely posts me, on social media
Leaves me feeling hidden, like a dirty secret, I fear

He never introduces me to his family
Leaves me feeling like our love, has no amends
No plans for us, no future in sight
Leaves me wondering, is this love worth the fight?

He never cheats, but is that enough?
When I feel so unloved, so unwanted, so rough
I deserve more than just his fidelity
I deserve love, effort, and sincerity

So, even though he never cheats on me
I know now, that this love is not meant to be
For love is more than just staying loyal
It's about truly caring, it's about being royal

So, I'll say goodbye to this love that's not true
And find someone who will love me, through and through
Someone who will understand me, and make me feel alive
Someone who will never cheat on me, and make me feel loved and thrive.


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