Interview with LaurenJ22

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Dedicated to LaurenJ22

1) What inspires you to write?

"Other writers. When I read their stories I always think to myself: This is what I want to be able to do, too."

2) What, according to you, is the hardest thing about writing?

"There's many difficulties in writing. I always find I know how I want to end a story, but getting it to the exact point is always hard."

3) Do you attend literary events or launches?

"Unfortunately there aren't many where I live, but I would love to attend some."

4) Do you have any advice you have for aspiring young writers?

"You need to write because it's something YOU love and it's something YOU want to do. Don't write because you want the fame or popularity that can come from it, write because you love it and that's what you want to do."

5) What did you learn while writing your most recent book?

"I learnt that I need to be more concise with my language and my scenes, in order to keep control on my word count, as I always go way over the limit. In the Wattpad world, that's okay, but in the real world, it doesn't fit."

6) What does being a successful author look like to you?

"Someone who is proud of their work, has a following and can see their books on shelves."

7) How do you think being a writer has helped you develop as a person?

"It has helped me understand my own emotions better and get a deeper understanding of other people."

8) Are there any books you are currently reading, why and which ones do you recommend the most?

"I don't read any Wattpad stories anymore, but I'm currently reading a science fiction novel A Thousand Pieces Of You by Claudia Gray. It's been pretty interesting so far!"

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