C H A P T E R - 20

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*Rye is still holding me tight by my waist and I tap on his shoulder so he can look to Mikey, he looks to him and he sees the same thing that I saw... Mikey with the biggest and purest smile on his face, suddenly he leaves the canteen*

Andy: "Did you saw that?"

Rye: "Yeah, he was smiling at us."

Andy: "But I don't understand he always told me that you and I-"

Rye: "Go talk to him Andy. Now!"

*He laughs and let me go and I start leaving, I turn around and Rye is still looking at me smiling so I run back to him and kiss him one more time*

Andy: "I love you too."

*I say hugging him*

Rye: "Now go talk with Mikey."

*I leave the canteen and I see Mikey leaning in one of the doors and I approach to him*

Andy: "Are you mad?"

Mikey: "Do you think I'm mad?"

Andy: "I don't know, you always told me that me and your brother never could happen but then today I saw you smiling when we kissed so I really don't know..."

*I hear him laughing*

Mikey: "I knew Andy."

*I look to him confused*

Andy: "You knew what exactly?"

Mikey: "That you and Rye were having something on my back."

Andy: "I don't get it how?"

Mikey: "I always knew you had like a crush for Rye, was kinda obvious, and he always looked at you in a different way. Then one night when you were sleeping at my house I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn't see you in bed so I went looking for you and then I passed through Rye's room and I heard moans so I started suspected it..." *I feel my cheeks burning from embarrassing* "...then the fight at school when Brook punched, people were talking and I discovered the all story that you didn't tell me, how Rye didn't defend you.
In that time Rye was acting really strange at home, always on his room, not talking with anyone and you stopped coming to my house so my suspicions began to make sense and today everything was confirmed."

Andy: "Mikey I'm really sorry."

Mikey: "You don't need to apologise, we don't choose who we fall in love with, I see how you look to each other, how you act around each other, that's love Andy and I'm happy that my brother finally found someone that cares about him and someone that he deserves. I understand why you didn't want to tell me sooner, neither you or Rye know what was happening between you too, all the feelings and that stuff. Just promise me something... stop fucking when I'm home that's really gross."

*I laugh*

Andy: "Thank you much Mikey, I was so scared to tell you."

Mikey: "Shhh it's okay, you're my best friend and I'll always adore you even if you're dating my brother. I'm happy that you found someone to love and someone that loves you, I hope I can find someone that looks to me the same way that Rye looks to you."

*I giggle*

Andy: "You'll find, I promise."

*We both laugh and I hug him*

2 month later

*My phone rings and I look to the screen seeing a message from Rye 'We're outside babe xx' and I grab my bag leaving my house and going to Rye's car.
Mikey opens the passenger door getting out and go sits on the back seats*

Mikey: "Good morning Andy!"

*I smile to him and I enter on the car giving Rye a small peck on his lips*

Rye: "Good morning babe! Are you okay?"

Andy: "Good morning to you too and yeah I'm good!"

Mikey: "You two are so cute really but we're late and we need to go to school."

*We laugh and Rye starts driving to school, his hand on my thigh, I look back to Mikey smiling to him and then I open the window looking to the street and thinking.
It's funny how you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time, Rye is just a cute brown haired boy with brown eyes and I'm still in love with every little thing about him.*


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Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for the time you spent reading this part and I hope you liked it, I promise you will love the next one, at least I hope so.

Just to remind you that this fanfic is inspired by a movie to write this story, this time 'The Kissing Booth' available on Netflix.
   Again, it will not have the same ending neither storyline because I only took some little details that are not really significant to make it equal but I like to give credit to the person who inspired me.
   And once again, I will respectfully take this fanfiction down if superior entities tell me to do it.

If you have questions about this fanfic or just wanna talk you can always comment and I'll talk with you. I'm sorry for the mistakes but English is not my first language, I'm Portuguese and please correct me.

See you in the next chapter, don't forget to comment, vote and follow me.

Love you all so much,
Maria ❥

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