C H A P T E R - 4

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In the next day

•No one's POV•

*Andy wakes up with the voice of his dad yelling his name, something that Andy is used to. He goes downstairs to eat breakfast and after that starts to get ready to the lunch with Mikey's family at their house.
After a quick shower he dresses himself, black ripped jeans and a yellow hoodie, fix his hair and goes downstairs to leave with his dad to Mikey's house.
After 15 minutes they arrive and greet Mikey's family.*

Mikey's mom: "The lunch is ready you can go sit."

Andy's dad: "I'm going to put this on the table." *he grabs the salad and goes to the lunch room*

Mikey: "Come sit with me Andy!" *he smiles*

Andy: "I need to use the bathroom Mikey."

Mikey: "Okay you know where it is, I'm gonna wait here for you."

Andy: "Yes, thank you!" *he leaves going to the bathroom*

•Andy's POV•

*I walk to the bathroom that is near to Mikey's room, the door is not closed but someone must forgotten to close the door, when I open it I see Rye... he only has a towel around his waist and he's not completely dry, his hair is still wet and water drops on his face and body, I can't stop admiring him, my eyes travel his body but my thoughts quickly stop when Rye speaks to me*

Rye: "Oh, I didn't see you there Andrew." *he knows that I hate when someone calls me Andrew*

Andy: "Humm sorry Ryan" *he hates when we call him Ryan* "the door was open and I didn't-" *I try to explain myself but he just smiles, that smile that makes every girl crazy but I can control myself*

Rye: "It's okay, I'm going to change, see you on the table." *he goes to the door* "And Andy?" *I look to him* "You look cute today!" *he leaves the bathroom and I feel my cheeks burning. I do what I needed to do and go to the table, everyone is sitting even Rye, and the only place free is between Rye and Mikey.*

Mikey: "Where have you been?"

Andy: "In the bathroom?!" *I answer sitting between the two brothers*

Mikey: "10 minutes?"

Rye: "He had some things to fix, right Andrew?" *he says and I look to him blushing, why I can't control this blush thing?!*

Mikey: "What is he talking about?"

Andy: "Nothing, forget it."

*We start eating and the school conversation starts.*

Mikey's mom: "Are you excited for tomorrow boys?"

Andy: "Really excited!"

Rye: "Of course you're excited." *he rolls his eyes and I look confused to him*

Mikey's dad: "Rye!"

Rye: "What dad?! They are not repeating the last year, I am! All my friends are at the University and I'm stuck on that school again!"

*I can feel the sadness on his voice so I whisper to him 'calm down' and he nods and stops talking, that's weird*

Mikey: "Wow that was intense!" *everyone laughs except Rye and I can't stop thinking about what he said, he's really upset about all the school thing, I thought it didn't matter to him but it matters.*

*I start talking with Mikey's mom and dad and the conversation ends up in my mom like always and how proud she would be, I know that they don't do this on purpose they just want to make me happy but this really makes me a little bit sad. The conversation continues and not a long after we finish the lunch and me and Mikey go to his room*

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Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for the time you spent reading this part and I hope you liked it, I promise you will love the next one, at least I hope so.

Just to remind you that this fanfic is inspired by a movie to write this story, this time 'The Kissing Booth' available on Netflix.
   Again, it will not have the same ending neither storyline because I only took some little details that are not really significant to make it equal but I like to give credit to the person who inspired me.
   And once again, I will respectfully take this fanfiction down if superior entities tell me to do it.

If you have questions about this fanfic or just wanna talk you can always comment and I'll talk with you. I'm sorry for the mistakes but English is not my first language, I'm Portuguese and please correct me.

See you in the next chapter, don't forget to comment, vote and follow me.

Love you all so much,
Maria ❥

So wrong but feels so right Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora