C H A P T E R - 15

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*I run to outside of the school with tears on my eyes and all the moments that I spent with Rye in my thoughts, all the kisses, all the looks, all the hugs, everything...
With him I felt secure and that everything was possible but suddenly I was nothing to him... just a distraction and someone to mess around with.
I can't face Brook or Rye again so I need to leave school, I text my dad asking if he could pick me up saying that is an emergency, after 15 minutes he is in front of me with his car.*

Andy's dad: "What's the emergency Andrew?" *he says annoyed but then he looks to my face seeing the black eye* "Omg what happened?!"

Andy: "Can we not talk about that?" *I enter in the car putting the seatbelt on*

Andy's dad: "No! We can not talk about that 'here' but we're going to talk about that!" *I nod*

*We remained in silence until we arrive at home, I enter and I tried to go to my room before my dad starts talking but he says that he needs to know so we both sit on the couch.*

Andy's dad: "You want me to start this or you're going to tell me right now how that happened?" *he points to my eye and I low my head without answering* "Okay, so that happened inside or outside of school?"

Andy: "Inside."

Andy's dad: "One person or more?"

Andy: "Just one."

Andy's dad: "And you know that person, is your friend?"

Andy: "I know him but he's not my friend!"

Andy's dad: "So is a 'he'... Andy you need to tell me what happened or I need to call to your school."

Andy: "No please don't do that, I tell you what happened but first I have something to tell you, I have no idea how you'll react but I'm going to tell you..." *I took a deep breath* "A year ago I started to realise that I didn't felt  anything for girls not even a single attraction, at first I thought that was just a phase but then I realised that was not, when I look to boys I feel something and I think is probably what you feel when you look to girls, I'm not embarrassed or something and I'm sorry that I didn't have the courage to tell you sooner but this is who I am..." *I look to him and he is looking to him deep in my eyes*

Andy's dad: "So you're gay?"

Andy: "Humm yeah..." *I low my head*

Andy's dad: "Oh is just that okay, I thought that you killed someone or something like." *I look confused to him* "Andy I'm your dad, I live with you so I hear things and I kinda suspected it. And you didn't need to tell me sooner, I didn't need to tell my mom that I was straight is the same thing."

Andy: "Dad, I'm-" *he interrupted me with a hug*

Andy's dad: "I'm really proud of you, I'm your dad and I love you with all my heart even if you like dicks and not-"

Andy: "Ew stop dad! You ruined the moment!" *he laughs and we pull apart from the hug*

Andy's dad: "Now I kinda have an idea of how that happened but can you tell me more?"

Andy: "So, a guy at school knows that I'm gay and he always laughs at me because of that, is not the first time that he do this but this time this happened." *I point to my eye*

Andy's dad: "I'm really sorry... I'm here for you. Now go to your room, I'm going to make some food, get you some ice for your eye and call to your school because that can't happen again." *he kisses my forehead*

*I go upstairs to my room and I decided to text Mikey to tell him*

Andy - 2:37pm
Hey Mikey, how are you feeling?

Mikey - 2:39pm
Feeling like shit... I think I'm dying Andy and I'm not kidding!

Andy - 2:39pm
Please stop being so dramatic, you're just sick...

Mikey - 2:40pm
I'm not being dramatic, I'm serious!

Mikey - 2:41pm
But why are you texting me, you should be in classes and is english now and you obviously wouldn't be texting be in Mr. Adams class you would be looking to other things 😏 so tell me

Andy - 2:43pm
Something happened at school...

Mikey - 2:44pm
It was Brooklyn again?

Andy - 2:45pm
Yeah but this time things got serious, he punched me in the face! I have a black eye and I think the all school saw what happened!

Mikey - 2:46pm
Omg Andy, I'm so sorry, I should have been there

Andy - 2:47pm
It's not your fault don't worry, I'm in my house now and I talked with my dad about what happened

Mikey - 2:49pm
So you told him...

Andy - 2:50pm
Yeah, he knows now!

Mikey - 2:51pm
I'm so happy for you Andy, how he reacted?

Andy - 2:53pm
Really well actually, it was really easy to tell him

Mikey - 2:54pm
That's really good

Andy - 2:54pm
Yeah, now I'm going to rest a little bit, talk with you later, thank you for everything xx

Mikey - 2:55pm
You don't need to thank me, you're my best friend xx

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for the time you spent reading this part and I hope you liked it, I promise you will love the next one, at least I hope so.

Just to remind you that this fanfic is inspired by a movie to write this story, this time 'The Kissing Booth' available on Netflix.
   Again, it will not have the same ending neither storyline because I only took some little details that are not really significant to make it equal but I like to give credit to the person who inspired me.
   And once again, I will respectfully take this fanfiction down if superior entities tell me to do it.

If you have questions about this fanfic or just wanna talk you can always comment and I'll talk with you. I'm sorry for the mistakes but English is not my first language, I'm Portuguese and please correct me.

See you in the next chapter, don't forget to comment, vote and follow me.

Love you all so much,
Maria ❥

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