C H A P T E R - 6

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In the next day

•No one's POV•

Andy: "Dad I'm leaving!" *he screams grabbing his bag and the house keys*

Andy's dad: "So early?"

Andy: "Yes, I'm going to Mikey's house, his mum is going to drive us to school, is that okay?"

Andy's dad: "Of course it's okay Andy, have a good day."

Andy: "You too dad." *he hugs him*

*Andy leaves his house and starts walking to Mikey's, 15 minutes after he is in front of Mikey's house waiting for him and his mom, the front door opens and they appear.*

Mikey's mom: "Good morning Andy!" *she kisses his head*

Andy: "Good morning!"

Mikey: "Hi Andy!" *they hug and Andy smiles*

Mikey's mom: "Are you ready Andy?" *Andy nods*

*They enter in the car, Mikey's mom in the driver seat, Mikey in the passenger sit and Andy in the back seat. His mom starts driving but stops when sees Rye running and tapping on the glass of her side.*

Mikey's mom: "Rye what's happening?"

Rye: "Mom can you take me to school too?"

Mikey's mom: "Of course but are you okay?"

Rye: "Yeah, I'm just not feeling drive to school today."

Mikey's mom: "Oh okay son, go sit next to Andy."

*Rye looks to the back of the car and smiles seeing Andy blush, he enter in the car and during the car ride he felt Andy's eyes on him a few times but he didn't look back. When they're almost at school Rye tells his mom to stop the car.*

Mikey's mom: "Why Rye? The school is 3 minutes away!"

Rye: "I know mom but is the first day and I need to keep my reputation, I can't arrive at school in my mom's car."

Mikey: "Such an asshole!" *Rye winks to him before leaving and walking to school*

*After 3 minutes they arrive and get out of the car saying goodbye to Mikey's mom. They start walking and Andy notices that some people are looking at them and whispering.*

Andy: "Mikey... what's happening? Why is everyone looking at us with a weird look?"

Mikey: "I have no ideia but I guess we're about to find out." *he says nervously pointing to Jack, Brook and his popular group that is coming to their direction.*

Brook: "So Andy what is your type?"

Andy: "What are you talking about?"

Brook: "You know... what's your type of guy, do you prefer the blonde ones or the brunette ones?" *a crowd starts forming around them*

Andy: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Brook: "Andy just stop, we all know that you're a fucking gay!" *he says laughing and Andy looks down embarrassed*

Mikey: "You don't talk with him like that Brooklyn, grow up!"

Brook: "Are you talking with me?"

Mikey: "You know that I'm talking with you! Mind your own business!"

Brook: "Or what?" *he says laughing and take his fist to punch Mikey but someone stop him*

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for the time you spent reading this part and I hope you liked it, I promise you will love the next one, at least I hope so.

Just to remind you that this fanfic is inspired by a movie to write this story, this time 'The Kissing Booth' available on Netflix.
   Again, it will not have the same ending neither storyline because I only took some little details that are not really significant to make it equal but I like to give credit to the person who inspired me.
   And once again, I will respectfully take this fanfiction down if superior entities tell me to do it.

If you have questions about this fanfic or just wanna talk you can always comment and I'll talk with you. I'm sorry for the mistakes but English is not my first language, I'm Portuguese and please correct me.

See you in the next chapter, don't forget to comment, vote and follow me.

Love you all so much,
Maria ❥

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