C H A P T E R - 14

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In the next day

•Rye's POV•

*I arrive at school and as normal I pass by Andy smiling to him and he blushes, I go to my first class and I see Brook and Jack walking in my direction.*

Brook: "Can we talk?" *I look to him confused* "Just a friendly conversation." *I nod and I follow them  to the boys' bathroom*

Rye: "What do you want? I have classes now!"

Brook: "How are things with Andy?"

Rye: "What?" *I laugh hiding the panic in my voice*

Brook: "You know, he is always looking at you and sometimes you smile to him so I thought...."

Rye: "Andy is my brother's best friend and he is like family to me that's why I smile to him!" *I interrupt him*

Jack: "And you also kept the boys away from him because of 'family' purposes?" *he laughs*

Rye: "I told you that was just for fun! I'm not gay!"

Brook: "Sure Rye..." *I grab him by his shirt pulling my fist closer to his face*

Rye: "I'm not into Andy or any other boy and I if hear any rumours about that in the hallways I promise you that you're going to be more than dead!" *I let go his shirt and I leave to my classroom*

*During the class I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation with Brook and Jack, so to fight that I fell asleep in the middle of the class.
I wake up with the school ring and when I leave the classroom I see a group of people near the lockers, I approach to the group seeing Brook and Andy in the middle, Brook with a hand on Andy's chest stopping him from moving.*

Brook: "So Andy, do you feel attraction to all the boys or just for some?" *everyone laughs*

Andy: "Please Brook let me go!" *I hear Andy say and I get closer, Brook's eyes on mine*

Brook: "Look is Rye... in 0 to 10 how attractive do you think he is?"

Andy: "Brook stop please..."

Brook: "I'm sure you find him really hot but he doesn't feel the same, it's pretty sad, right?!" *I take a step forward* "Am I wrong Rye?"

*I know that I should do something but I can't so I take a step back.*

Brook: "Thought so!" *he looks to me and punch his eye and his stomach leaving him crying on the floor*

Rye: "Andy..." *I try to help but he starts running away, leaving me with the whispers from the people that were watching everything*

15 minutes earlier

•Andy's POV•

*I'm alone in school, Mikey is sick at home and I don't have more friends so I'm all by myself. I go to the lockers to grab my things for my next class when someone close it on my face.*

Andy: "What the fuck?!" *I yell but the panic appears when I see Brook*

Brook: "Hey Fowler, how is your day going?" *a group starts forming around us and I know this is not going to end up well*

Andy: "It's worse now, you're in front of me!" *I quickly regret what I said when I feel his hand on my chest and my back on the lockers*

Brook: "So Andy do you feel attraction to all the boys or just for some?" *everyone laughs with his words*

Andy: "Please Brook let me go!" *I try to move but he's stronger than me, I suddenly see him scanning the people that are watching us and his eyes stop in someone, I look and I see Rye and a feeling of hope invades my body*

Brook: "Look is Rye... in 0 to 10 how attractive do you think he is?" *I look to Rye and he looks to the floor, why he's not helping me*

Andy: "Brook stop please..."

Brook: "I'm sure you find him really hot but he doesn't feel the same, it's pretty sad, right?!" *I see Rye taking a step forward us* "Am I wrong Rye?" *he looks to me but with Brook's word he takes a step back*

Brook: "Thought so!" *I see his fist coming closer to my face and I close my eyes just waiting for the pain, he punch me on my eye and stomach, he leaves and I just fall on the floor crying*

Rye: "Andy..." *I hear his voice and his hand trying to help me but I can't, he could have done something but he didn't and even though I probably have a black eye, his non action hurt me more than Brook's punches so I pull him away running with tears on my eyes*

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for the time you spent reading this part and I hope you liked it, I promise you will love the next one, at least I hope so.

Just to remind you that this fanfic is inspired by a movie to write this story, this time 'The Kissing Booth' available on Netflix.
   Again, it will not have the same ending neither storyline because I only took some little details that are not really significant to make it equal but I like to give credit to the person who inspired me.
   And once again, I will respectfully take this fanfiction down if superior entities tell me to do it.

If you have questions about this fanfic or just wanna talk you can always comment and I'll talk with you. I'm sorry for the mistakes but English is not my first language, I'm Portuguese and please correct me.

See you in the next chapter, don't forget to comment, vote and follow me.

Love you all so much,
Maria ❥

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