Happy death day

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"Ahh!" I screamed, opening my eyes wide as my hands grasped onto the nearest items. Which was the desk, and something warm.
I turned my head and ended up looking at Scott.
"Scotty?" I asked
"What happened?"
I tried to pull myself up, but a wave of pain shot out from my shoulder, making me fall back onto the desk quickly.

"Don't move. You still aren't healed."


I looked over to my shoulder and saw a big opened gash. It was almost the shape of a circle , except spirals and splinters of my skin were separating around the edges. And a red, almost sparkly, ooze that was seeping around it all. Black was coming up from the middle of it.
"Oh, well that's cool."

"We don't know how to fix it Lace... why the hell cant we fix it?" He pleaded.

"It's from the weeping willow. For me, it is a slow moving poison. Almost incurable. For you guys, it'll kill you immediately at the touch of it. I remember Deaton explaining it to me." I said, not bothering to look at him but simply looking up at the ceiling.

"What the hell does that mean Lacey?!! I'm not gonna let you die!" He shouted.

"Where's Derek?" I asked, I asked calmly. Making him cool down just a bit.

"He left. He went out there to go look for something to save your life!"
Never mind...
"There's got to be something. I-I can't." Scotts strides along the classroom were big. His hands combed through his hair, his eyes wondering the floor.

"Scott, calm down. I-it's okay. It's gonna be okay."

"No. It's not. I can't lose you. I can't. There has to be some sort of way, use a spell, use your magic..." he stopped talking and suddenly his eyes went wide.
"Magic.." he mumbled

"What?" I asked puzzled

"Lacey. You need to siphon the magic off of your own powers and use it to heal yourself."

I sighed.
"I can't..."

He took a step forward.
"Why the hell not?"

"Because this kind of poison attacks whatever magic I have. If I use my own magic, it'll spread faster. If I try to siphon my magic, it'll kill me faster."

"Then use me." He said.

My head snapped over to his eyes.
"No. I am not going to use you."

"Lacey you have too."

"No Scott!" I shouted.
"This pack needs you. So many people need you for who you are. And I won't be the one to take away that chance."

He pulled out a chair and sat down besides my table, scooting in close and holding my hand in his.
"There's got to be another way." He whispered.
Then his head shot up again.
"Are people the only ones with magic?"

"No... objects have magic too. Like the nemeton."

"Mountain ash?...."

"I mean, yeah but, we don't have any." I said. And also, even though it doesn't take much, me siphoning magic is still using my power. If a human can't do it, then the weeping willow will attack it.
But I'm afraid to admit that to the man in front of me with so much hope and desperation in his eyes.

"Oh yes we do."
The door opened to reveal stiles, holding what looked like a giant jar of, You guessed it, mountain ash.

"Woah, where did you get this?" I asked, trying to sit up as much as I could.

The Legacy: Moon Magic and You // Liam Dunbar/ Theo Raeken Where stories live. Discover now