Chap 40

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A/N As y'all probably know, this is gonna have a trigger warning in it

I waked away from the room and walked down the stairs. I walked out of the house and to a store. I picked up some cigarettes and started to walk out.
"Hey! Thief!" I heard someone yell out.
I groaned and turned to face them.
They looked at me, "You have to pay for those ma'am."
I don't look legal of age
I groaned and ripped a part of the ground up, forming a spike. I shot it at him and impaled his heart. I sighed and walked out of the store.
We're all gonna die anyways
I walked back into the house and looked around. I sighed and thought of the memories I had here. I walked out to the courtyard and started climbing the wall. I pulled myself onto the roof and stood up, looking around. I sighed and walked over to where I would always sit. I stared at the horizon and pulled out a cigarette. I lit it and placed it in my lips, inhaling the cancer. I exhaled and watched the smoke flow out of my mouth.
I'm so numb
I hummed slightly and felt the tears start to slip down my cheeks. I continued to smoke.
After a few minutes I pulled the cigarette away from my lips and threw it off the roof. I started to quietly sing to myself.
"I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me inside
I'm paralyzed"
(That's the song I linked)
I sighed and pulled out another cigarette. I thought about my life. All the terrible memories flew through my head and I sobbed. I just pondered everything and revisited everything and everyone who had hurt me.
After I finished my pack of cigarettes I stood up and walked over to the edge of the roof. I looked down at the fall. I turned around and looked at the setting sun. I smiled to myself and wiped my tears.
It'll all be over soon...
I took a deep breath and held out my arms before letting myself fall backwards.
As I fell through the air I felt as if I was in slow motion.
Memories flowed in front of me.
Klaus joking around with me.
My brother playing with me when we were young.
Ben chasing me with a water sprayer.
Me drawing sharpie tattoos on my friends.
Five and I talking in the tree.
Sneaking out to the donut shop.
All these happy memories filled my vision as I fell through the air. I felt the tears fly off of me.

I hit the ground.

I opened my eyes slowly and found I couldn't breathe. There was a loud ringing in my ears. My vision was red and I could taste the familiar metallic flavor of blood.
I tried to gasp for air and coughed on my own blood. I choked as I felt blood leak out of my mouth. I frantically tried to sit up and couldn't move anything.
It felt like my ribs were crushing my lungs.
I felt a pool of blood start to form around me and tears streamed down my cheeks. I vouched, squirting blood out of my mouth. I managed to take in a wheezy breath and filled with pain. I couched again, more violently, and felt the blood fill my mouth. I spat it out and struggled to take in some raspy breaths. I continued to spit out blood and looked up at the sky. It started to get darker as the sun went further past the horizon. I coughed and started to get light headed.
Oh shit!
I don't want to die!
I want to live!
I want to live!!!
I coughed one final time before everything went black.

Klaus's POV
I had made Diego untie me so I could pee. As I was walking back, I looked out the window and saw Y/N hit the ground.
"Holy Shit!" I screamed out. I heard Diego run down the stairs and looked out the window. We saw blood start to pool around her body and I heard Ben gasp.
We all ran outside and froze at the edge of the courtyard. I heard her coughing and Ben gasped. I looked over at him and saw he had his hands covering his mouth, and for the first time in a long time, I saw he was crying. Not that I blame him. I started to walk over and froze.
"Klaus go over there and help her! You can still save her! She's still breathing!" I heard Ben protest.
Ben always cared a lot about Y/N...
I can't imagine what this is doing to him...
"Klaus! Do something!" He tried to push me and his arms went through me.
He groaned annoyedly and I started to walk over. Diego grabbed my arm, "Leave her be Klaus. We can't save her. Best to not intervene."
"You're just gonna let her die all alone?!" Ben continued to try and push me.
"Diego shouldn't we at least hold her hand or something? So she doesn't die alone?"
He shook his head, "She wanted this, remember?"
I nodded slowly.
"No! No you idiot! Save her!" Ben yelled at me. I looked at him sadly and we looked at Y/N.
She coughed before falling silent. I walked over and Diego followed behind me. I ran over and dropped to my knees next to her. Her eyes were open, staring at the sky. She had bloody tears that had flowed down the side of her cheeks. There was blood that had leaked out of her mouth and she was laying in a pool of her own blood.
I heard Ben cry and looked up at him. He walked away and I sighed. Diego sat down next to me and patted my back. I sighed and reached up to her face, closing her eyes.
I sat silently, honoring her, before standing up and walking back up to the attic.
Time to find Dave.

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