Chap 2

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Five's POV
Luther carried the girl back to the house while we walked in silence. I stood near Diego, sulking because we had to take a stranger home. Ben walked over to me.
"Five? I'm sorry..."
I looked at him, "For what?"
"I know you're mad about taking the girl home with us"
"Yeah I am"
"Well it was my idea, so I'm sorry"
I smiled "It's ok Ben, I just don't see why we could've have just moved her to the sidewalk or something and left her there to wake up. She wasn't bleeding out or anything...I think"
"We don't know that though, she was hit by a car. She could be really hurt"
"Fair enough, but what are we going to do with her once we're home?"
"I didn't think about that..."
"Mm, Luther?"
He looked back at me, "Yeah?"
"What are you planning to do with her once we get home? Like, where are we going to put her?"
"Oh, probably just one of the spare rooms"
I rolled my eyes, "Ok whatever you say"
We continued walking in silence before the girl started moving.
I heard her quietly mumble. She tried moving but stopped quickly. I saw her face show pain and I stared in confusion. We made it to the gate and Klaus held it open for us to walk through. Luther stepped into the house and quickly walked up to a spare bedroom. The others followed and I spatial jumped to the room. She was very much awake now. She was sitting on the bed, probably where Luther had dropped her, and had crawled back against the wall staring at me and Luther. The others walked in and her eyes widened. I noticed her breathing speed had increased and rolled my eyes.
'Why is she scared of us? We don't usually hurt innocent people. Whatever this isn't worth my time.'
I spatial jumped out of her room and to mine. I flopped onto my bed.
'Dad isn't going to like this at all'

I was in the Umbrella Academy. And all 6 of them were staring at me. I started to panic,
'What if they don't like me? What if I make a fool out of myself? What if they hate me? What if they kill me?!'
My mind was racing with thoughts and I saw Five roll his eyes at me before he left my room.
'Great. He already hates me.'
I looked at the others, Two left shortly after Five and the others just stared at me. I looked down nervously and started shaking slightly. I noticed the front of my shirt had started to turn red, probably from where my mother had cut me. I anxiously brought my hand to my stomach and held it there. I heard a girl speak up and I looked up to face her. It was Three.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked me.
"I-I-" I started to speak when I quickly cut off my words feeling pain shoot through me. I whimpered slightly.
"What? What hurts?" I saw One speak.
'My lungs. They feel like they're being crushed by my ribs'
I looked up again at them, "M-My lungs" I managed to get out before wincing again.
I noticed Six leave and sighed before wincing again.

He soon retired with a blonde lady who walked up to me.
"Hello, I am Grace. I'm going to help you out."
I looked at her before looking at the other kids. I saw Ben quietly tell the others to leave and they left the room, shutting the door.
"So, what seems to be the problem?" Grace asked me.
"M-M-My lungs-" I breathed out quickly.
"I see, don't worry, we'll fix you up!" She smiled at me. I weakly smiled back.

~~~lapse 2 hours~~~

I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. It wasn't a dream, I was still in the Umbrella Academy. I smiled softly to myself and quietly spoke to myself, testing my lungs.
"I can talk again..." I whispered quietly to myself. "I should go...I don't want to disturb the Academy"
I stood up and started walking out of my room when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Tears pricked at my eyes and I leaned on the wall. I held my stomach and pulled up my shirt, revealing all the bandages around my cuts.
'Oh. So that's what a bandage feels like against an open wound'
I don't normally bandage up my cuts but I guess Grace did.
I walked out of my room and looked around for the door. I located it and started to make my way down the stairs when I heard someone whisper to me.
"Girl? Where are you going?"
'Shit' I slowly turned around to see Four.
"Oh um, Four, I was going to leave so I don't annoy you all..."
"You don't annoy us. We're the ones who brought you into our home." He walked down the stairs to me, quickly but quietly. He stuck out his hand to me.
"I'm Klaus!"
I shook his hand timidly, "Y/N"
He smiled, "You need to go back to your room before anyone else sees you though. Why are you up at 2 AM anyways?"
"That's what time it is? I don't know I guess I just woke up"
"Oh, you still need to go back to your room."
"Ok ok I will"
We both quietly walked back up the stairs and I walked into the room I was staying in and sat on my bed. I laid my back and head up against the wall and shut my eyes. Immediately I saw my Mother's face staring at me while holding a gun. My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly.
'What the hell was that for?! Stupid brain...I don't need flashbacks.' I shivered and decided to try and sleep. I laid down on my back and stared at the ceiling. Eventually my eyelids started feeling heavy and I gave in, falling asleep.

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