Chap 30

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Five's POV
I stormed out of her room and slammed the door.
That couldn't have gone worse.
I walked to down the hall to my room and laid on my bed, facing the ceiling. It was heavily muffled but I heard Y/N let out a scream. I listened and felt the ground rumble. I filled with guilt.
Maybe I was too harsh?
I did make her cry...
And she was yelling back at me...
I really messed that up.
I sighed and stared at my ceiling and thought about how that could've gone better. I was thinking for about 10 minutes before I heard Allison come up the stairs. "Y/N is everything ok?"
I heard her gasp and scream. "Luther!" She screamed out and I heard his footsteps. I sat up.
What the hell?!
"Five! Five come here!" I heard Allison cry out.
Shit this seems bad
I spatial jumped out of my room and looked down the hall. I saw bloody water coming from the bathroom. Allison was holding her hands over her mouth and Luther broke down the bathroom door. I heard her scream and I spatial jumped to the doorway. Luther was pulling Y/N out of the bathtub.
There's blood everywhere.
"Five!" I heard Luther.
"I'll get Mom!" I shouted.
"Mom is dead Five! We need to get her to a hospital!"
He picked her up and I stepped out of the bathroom. He carried her and we ran down the stairs. Allison followed behind and I saw Diego on the couch.
"What's going on?!" He asked.
"Y/N is dying!" Allison spoke.
I was silent.
What am I supposed to say?!
I grabbed one of her arms.
"Five what are you doing?!" Luther asked.
"We need to stop the bleeding!"
He nodded and Allison rushed over, grabbing the other arm. We heard sirens out front and Diego rushes to open the door. Paramedics came in and Luther rushed to meet them. He placed Y/N on the stretcher and the paramedics rushed out. I saw them load her into the ambulance and drive off. I stood silently, not knowing what to do. I gripped the doorframe and started shaking.
This is my fault...
I shouldn't have yelled at her...
She did this because of me...
She must hate me...
It's all my fault...
And now she might die...
Because of me...
Tears slipped out of my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as I stared at where the ambulance had been.
What was I thinking?!
Why did I think it was ok to confront her like that?!
It was a sensitive subject...
And I yelled at her about it.
I gripped the doorframe tightly and didn't notice when it started to cut my fingers. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I snapped out of it, letting go of the door frame. I turned to face them and saw it was Allison.
"Five, are you ok?"
" I'm not. I just saw the most important person in the world to me almost die! And it's because of me! It's entirely my fault and I don't know what to do!" I wiped my eyes and looked back outside.
"Five don't do that to yourself. It's not your fault that she-"
"That she tried to kill herself?! That's the thing, I know she didn't! It's complicated and I was trying to talk to her about it earlier. We got in a huge fight and I yelled at her when I shouldn't have! This is my fault."
Allison stood silently.
"I'm going to the hospital." I spoke and spatial jumped. I used several jumps but ended up at the entrance to the hospital. I took a deep breath and walked in. I walked over to the receptionist, still shaking.
"Hello, can I help you?" She asked me.
"Y/N L/N. She just got here..."
She looked at me sadly and spoke, "She's getting fixed up right now, but you can wait here until she's settled in a room if you want."
I nodded and sat in one of the chairs. I rested my head in my hands which were leaning on my knees.
About 20 minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Diego.
"Why're you here?" I asked him, "You hate her."
"I don't hate Y/N, and I'm here to support you. You don't look so good, how're you holding up?"
"Horribly. It's my fault she's in here."
"It can't be, there's no way. You're both too close for that."
I felt a tear slip down my cheek, "Well it did."
"Please just go." I laid my head in my hands again.
I heard him sigh and slowly walk away.
I sat for a few minutes before someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up and it was the receptionist.
"You can go see her now."
I stood up quickly, "Where is she?"
"Room 224. It's upstairs and-"
I didn't let her finish and spatial jumped to her door. I stared at the door and took a deep breath. I opened the door and there she was. I couldn't tell if she was unconscious or asleep but her eyes were closed. I walked in and shut the door behind me softly. I walked over and sat next to her hospital bed. I moved my seat closer to her and looked at her resting face. I reached up and gently stroked her cheek.
"Why did you have to do this Y/N..." I spoke softly.
I reached down and grabbed her hand. I slowly turned over her wrist and looked at the stitches. My breath hitched as I did so.
There's so many...
I turned her wrist back over.
It's probably the same on the other arm.
I sighed and rested my head on the hospital bed. I laid there and must have dozed off because I opened my eyes at the feeling of movement. I felt Y/N moving around and sat up quickly.
"Agh...what the...where..."
Her eyes opened and she slowly looked over at me.
"You're in the hospital..." I spoke.
She stared into my eyes and I stared right back. The complexity of her E/C eyes draws me in every time. I studied her eyes and reached over and grabbed her hand.
It's still cold
We continued to stare at each other and as usual, she broke the eye contact.
I should ask her what happened.
Or why she did this...

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